Alternate History Combat Aircraft

Some changes to the wingplan and you have a Messerschmitt-built f-117
Messerschmitt-Me-262X Nacht Falke
Messerschmitt-Me-262X Nacht Falke.png

Experimental stealth fighter.

Concerned Brazilian

Gone Fishin'
The Embraer A1 Kaingang was a navalised, licensed version of the Sukhoi Su-17.

It was developed for use in the Minas Gerais-class aircraft carrier.

12 such aircraft were produced between 1982 and 1983, one of which crashed in the Port of Santos on September 3, 1987.

After Brazil returned to democracy, the planes were replaced by A-4 Skyhawks in 1995, three years after the naval air wing operating the Kaingangs was disabled and the *Minas Gerais* only operated helicopters and naval patrol aircraft.

For a timeline where Brazil was a socialist dictatorship during the cold war
Knock off copy of a Lizard a/c?
That could work or maybe a section of a small town is ISOT into the past after a nuclear blast (the star of WWIII in another timeline) and the Germans find a burned out bookstore or hobby shop with some scale models of late war German planes and some F-117's, there's not enough info to build a straight up copy but enough to show them the way to more advanced designs.
Very nice! An alternative load out could be racks of R4Ms (similar to what several ‘50s era USAF fighters carried, albeit internally).

Focke Wulf Ta-626
Focke Wulf Ta-626.png

Post war German bomber using technology bought from the Soviets who stole it from the US in a timeline where Germany didn't go to war with the USSR due to an earlier entry into the war by the US.