
My third day in Constantinople finds me with plenty of free time on my hands, at least until the evening. I find myself watching a march; a quick investigation reveals they are the New Turks, an Anti-Soviet, Anti-Greek, Ultranationalist, Ultrareligous group of Turks. They care the flag of the old Empire, and pictures of the last Emperor. The City Police stand by, also watching, but they look ready to intervene at a moment’s notice. They are tough looking men and women, although someone tells me that they are weak children compared to the Gendarmerie. A collective shudder runs through watching crowd, and I wonder if the Ender Riots were put down even more harshly then I was told.

I leave, not wishing to insult my brain listening to the mindless, virulent nationalism on display, and I find myself at the Museum of The Sea, located on the site of the old Naval Academy. I spend a couple of hours looking at maritime artefacts from across the world, including the famous Antikythera Mechcanism, on loan from the Greek National History Museum and, from the FDRG, the flag of the Naval Infantry Brigade which sort so valiantly in that country’s civil war. While the artefacts and displays at the museum are interesting and evocative, there is a sense of the ramshackle to the whole affair; few of the items here, outside a few old Ottoman and Byzantine relic, actually belong to the museum on a moment basis. I leave, pondering the museum and how it, in many ways, speaks for the Global Community itself.

As I leave the museum, I find myself wandering the city, visiting the magnificent Topkapı Palace, which, surprisingly, contains on its grounds the only Protestant Church in the city, the old Hagia Irene, or, to give it’s English name, the Church of Holy Peace. A quick investigation reveals that the Church serves all Protestants in the city; mostly GC workers or diplomats, but also a few locals. The Caretaker, a volunteer who asked to remain anonymous, tells me that in a city as diverse as the Queen of Cities, another sect is not surprising. With a wry grin, he tells me that if asked, he find no trouble in stating his religious infinity; there are not enough Protestants to be prejudiced against.

At last I find myself at my interview, this time at the Museum of Vulnerable Culture, a tall, proud building by the waterfront. It is in the evening, and the effects of lunch are starting to where off. Nata Lee Hershlag was born in Jerusalem, another Global Community City, albeit one surround by the UAR. She has been the Director of the Museum for 3 years, a meteoric rise attributed to her fierce intellect and determination. She greets me with a firm handshake and in fluent English. I make my introductions, and she does the same, before offering a glass of wine, which I gracefully accept. She pours herself one also. Much to my pleasant surprise, he accent is of the Home Counties.

I ask her about this, and she smiles

“My tutor was an English-lady. My parents were lucky they could afford her”.
I smile at her smile, and her reply.

I ask her about her work, and what it means to be part of the Global Community on a permanent basis.

“It’s amazing, it’s a chance to be part of something greater than a mere state, to be part of a peaceful, international organisation, one made up of all humanity. With the exception of the Soviets, but since their expulsion, they haven’t been in a hurry to get back in. But even the 4th Way powers are in now. If someone had said that before the War, they’d have been laughed at.”
I nod in thoughtful agreement, and ask her about the role of the Museum, its history, operations and future.

“To answer your questions in no particular order, the Museum was founded in the aftermath of the Great War, in response, to, amongst other things, Leuven being destroyed by the Germans. Since then, we’ve collected artefacts from the world. The regalia of the Hungarian Monarchy, the original Constitution of May 3, 1791, a Gutenburg Bible, to name but three. And this is without counting the ongoing recovery operation in the Chinese wastes. You know, it’s ironic. At the time, many in the Global Community castigated the KMT for taking so many Chinese relics with them to Taipei; now no one mentions that, and we are frequent in our praise of them”.

I enquire as to the Museum’s operation in the Chinese Wastes.

“We managed to uncover several small golden statues of the Buddha from an underground vault last week. You’re the first non-permanent Community member to know that. It took months to track them down, and weeks before we gained the trust of the local survivor community so they would help us. And even longer before we got their permission to take the artefacts out. We’re archaeologists, not robbers. Heavily armed archaeologists with parachute training, mind, but we’re motivated by a love of history, not wealth”.

We chant for a while about various aspects of working at the museum, including a mention of "the terrible death jade of the North", whatever that is, and then she asks, unexpectedly

“It’s getting late. Do you want to join me for dinner?”

She has a Look in her eyes. Why should I say no?
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Interesting stuff!

The Soviet state is _more_ totalitarian than OTL's Stalinist Russia? North Korea in the large economy size? (Which makes the high tech in "cyber fighters" seem iffy :) ). I'd say it can't really be as _lethal_ for it's own citizens as Stalin's USSR was, anyway: that rate of democide probably wasn't sustainable, unless they've also found a way to seriously boost the birth rate (rather a problem in the Warsaw Pact nations OTL)

Stalinist Totalitarianism without Stalinist Mass-Murder. Mix that with Kruschevian obsession with technology which results in a computer controlled NEP and a government willing to sacrifice large numbers of people in the interests of Progress and Science and there you go. Cyber-Whatever in this timeline refers to what in OTL would be a Unmanned-whatever-vehicle. A Cyber-fighter is a fancier Reaper

The tech progress of China, at least, seems slower than in our timeline: they had their own nuke OTL by 1964, and first fusion device 1967, with no Nixonian aid whatsoever.

The DPRC was a dictatorship, but nowehere near as bad as OTL Maoist China; on the other hand, it didn't have nearly so much Soviet aid in the beginning. Only when the Gang of Four took over that relations really began to sink, and not just with the USSR.

Polish SSR? So there was no Miracle on the Vistula, and Poland was overrun in 1920? That would most likely lead to a grudging acceptance of an early rearmament of Germany, and no Nazis, although "paranoid authoritarian police state" is a not unlikely additional outcome for Germany under the circumstances.

Not 1920; the Polish-Soviet War was a bit later ITTL. And "paranoid authoritarian police state?" My last update will provide some clue as to the answer to that.

The radioactive fallout in Japan would have been...substantial. I imagine Soviet-Japanese relations remain somewhat less warm than North Korean-Japanese relations OTL.

Yeah, the Soviets and Japanese do not get on well. They didn't even before the War.

Looking forward to more detail with interest.


Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed the update above.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed the update above.

Not sure how much "willing to sacrifice large numbers of people in the interests of Progress and Science" actually advances technological progress, outside maybe biotech. :D

The update was quite nice. Fourth way? Capitalist democracy, Communism...*Fascism for the first three?


Not sure how much "willing to sacrifice large numbers of people in the interests of Progress and Science" actually advances technological progress, outside maybe biotech. :D

Biotech, and certain areas of cybernetics that are just developing in OTL. Think project Cyberdyne from OTL Chile, with more nastiness.

The update was quite nice. Fourth way? Capitalist democracy, Communism...*Fascism for the first three?

Capitalist Liberal Democracy, the League of Democratic States.
Democratic Socialism, the Non Aligned Movement.
Fascism, The Fourth Way.
Authoritarian Communism, the USSR.


In our next update, our intrepid protagonist interviews Professor Hugo Lauren, the main public speaker of the Transhumanism Movement.
Done with Thanksgiving,full of turkey, decided to do a little more work on the map. Decided to go with for a more traditional pink rather than red-orange for the Socialists, hope it's different enough from the British pinks, and added some notes. (WARNING: NOTES MAY NOT BE 100% TRUE TO SULEIMAN'S VISION AND THEREFORE MAY BE AMENDED)



As an additional note, the Federal Democratic Republic of Germany (FDRG/BDRD) is also exactly what it says on the tin. It's constitution is remarkably similar to OTL Germany's, as a matter of fact.


What's South Africa like ITTL?

It never adopted full blow Apartheid, and the nature of post-colonial socialism, looking towards NAM syndicalism, democratic socialism and market socialism meant that the ruling elite were not able to tar pro-democracy supporters with being communist thugs. It's probably the most left wing of all the LDS states economically, just ahead of the FDRG. The left of the LDS has a lot in common with the right of the NAM economically speaking, and both organisations share a commitment to political democracy. The sharpest disagreements are to be found in terms of religion, social liberalism and related areas. Both despise the USSR and The Fourth Way, although some in the LDS believe that moderate elements in TFW could be played off against both the NAM and USSR.
Sounds like the world (outside of the crapsack parts) is pretty socialist or other varieties of left-wing ideologies.

Are the *Fascists (broadly) unified ideologically or is it more of *Fascism is what the regime says *Fascism is?

Great TL by the way!


Sounds like the world (outside of the crapsack parts) is pretty socialist or other varieties of left-wing ideologies.

Economically, the trend is leftwards; even the USA ITTL, regarded as having one of the least extensive welfare systems, still has a far stronger one then OTL. What differs the LDS is that welfare is based on insurance rather then the state; the South Africa, Germany and too a lesser extent France, stand out by having strong state welfare systems, rather then strong state welfare systems. The fundamental economic ethos of the LDS is ordoliberalism, Rhennish Capitalism.

Are the *Fascists (broadly) unified ideologically or is it more of *Fascism is what the regime says *Fascism is?

Broadly unified ideologically with adoption to local conditions. They ten to make terrible neighbours, although there is a notable authoritarian-technocratic strain in some of the states which seeks improved relations with the outside world. We'll be encountering one of them in the next update.

Great TL by the way!

Thank you kindly.