western bloc

  1. Could the Western Bloc have gone authoritarian during the Cold War?

    This question is partially inspired by Maponus's The Way The Wind Blows TL (There, the only hard POD is that De Gaulle dies just before May 58' kicks off, so the generals establish an authoritarian regime in France, but that's about it). Basically, would it be possible for the core powers of the...
  2. Development of Neoliberalism with a surviving USSR?

    (If this is in the wrong thread, I apologize, the butterflies that I'm asking about here might be less than 20 years ago, till at least the GFC, so if this more suited for Political Chat or something, is it okay if the mods can move it please? Thanks. Sorry.) If you just want to get to my...
  3. What if the USSR and Eastern Europe accepted the Marshall plan?

    The Marshall Plan aid was divided among the participant states roughly on a per capita basis. A larger amount was given to the major industrial powers, as the prevailing opinion was that their resuscitation was essential for the general European revival. Somewhat more aid per capita was also...
  4. Tales Weaver

    What other countries could have become part of the Western Bloc?

    With a POD after June 6, 1944, what other countries could have become part of the Western/American Bloc and why? Bonus points if they join the Western Bloc via domestic capitalists winning elections or civil wars as opposed to the Americans marching there first.