solar energy

  1. How would cheap solar energy developed in 2003 have affected Brazil?

    I understand solar energy to be much in use in Brazil. So I'm interested in how cheap solar energy (1000 USD will purchase panels and battery to run a home type of cheap - not positive this shouldn't be in the ASB forum) nearly 20 years ago would change the course of the country. How much more...
  2. Brita

    Earlier development of solar power

    Admittedly, I don't have a scientific mind. Every person who had the misfortune to try and explain mathematics, physics and chemistry to me will tell you so.:winkytongue: However, I've been toying with the idea of an alt-world (POD in the 12th century) in which solar power would've been used...
  3. Solar Dreams: a history of solar energy (1878 - 2025)

    Prologue: Daydreaming November, 1878 Paris, France Constantino Serrano, Captain in the Chilean Army and Military Attaché was thirsty. He could endure a march of a day without much trouble, but the energy of his company still left her expended. Mademoiselle Dominique Demolle, a charming...