russian empire

  1. Romanova Invicta: Empress Anastasia, Queen of Great Britain (one-shot)

    It is August 1917, and the Romanov family is preparing to be transferred to Tobolsk. A somber air fills their palace-turned-prison as no one is under any illusion - this can't mean anything good. Nicholas and Alexandra know they must listen to instructions, whatever the fate may be, but they...
  2. What if USSR Never Existed

    OTL was 1917 October Revolution. TTL Pugachev rebellion won and Overthrow of Tsarina Catherine II replaced Paul I, Tsar Paul I Survived until 1821 Replaced Nicholas I TTL Decembrist Won Nicholas I Killed replaced Alexander I. Alexander I until 1855 replaced Alexander II, OTL Tsar Alexander...
  3. Alexander I of Russia abolishes serfdom?

    This is far from a subject I'm knowledgeable about, but from what I know Alexander I did some reforms in the early years of his reign, and apparently one project that never took off was a plan to abolish serfdom. So, was there any way he could've pulled it off, and with better results than his...
  4. Brusilov Offensive fails with POD on the Austro German side

    Basically is there any way the offensive fails with a pod on the Austro German side?
  5. WI: Russia remained pagan

    Eastern Europe is known for remaining pagan even long after the rest of Europe had Christianized with it even many people remaining pagan in Russia centuries after it's conversion. The main POD is simply that instead of converting to orthodox Christianity, Vladimir instead remains pagan and...
  6. The Regency Crisis of '75: An Imperial Russian Tale
    Threadmarks: Cover

  7. PC: Austria gets Silesia at Tilsit?

    Like it says on the tin. Was there any way the Austrian Empire could've gotten its hands on Silesia as a result of the Treaty of Tilsit? Perhaps if the War of the Fourth Coalition was an even tougher victory for Napoleon than IOTL (the French armies were exhausted and far from home), and so he...
  8. Hydroelectric dams, reservoirs, artificial lakes, power stations, engineering, and environmental policies in a surviving Russian Empire

    Whenever I work on maps that are set in a world where the USSR existed like IOTL, or where it never existed, or if its existence was cut short, I feel the need to be accurate in mapping the numerous dams/artificial lakes, and the effects of such buildings that exist IOTL, but which would not in...
  9. A clear Russian victory at Eylau?

    Fought on February 7-8 1807, the Battle of Eylau was a bloody, indecisive slog that, despite ending with a Russian retreat from the field, left the French so exhausted they were in no shape to pursue them. The War of the Fourth Coalition only ended in June that year, with the Battle of...
  10. WI : the fate of the Russian and Spanish Empires are switched around 1800-1815.

    As the title says. I have allways see both empires as parallels: born on the frontier against nomadic muslim tribes and expanding over the centuries, being the main differences the continuitiy (Russia) or discontinuity (Spain) of the territory and the fact that one is horizontal and the other...
  11. WW1 Germany partitioned after 1914 defeat

    What wpuld have happened if Germany was divided on the elbe and Saale into French and Russian satellite state How would this affect the balance of power in Europe, Great Game, Russian internal politics, British empire's survival, Future growth of France, American Foriegn policy and military size...
  12. The Paradox of Victory
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The Russo-Japanese War

    The Paradox of Victory Artemis Kozaczka “The great paradox of victory is this- once you have won once, you must keep winning, or else lose everything you have won in the first place.” - Tsar Nicholas II, The Fall of an Eagle (1922) The Russo-Japanese War A map of Eastern Asia in February 1904...
  13. Persia retains Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1804-1813?

    The Russo Persian War of 1804-1813 was simultaneous to, and deeply affected by, the Napoleonic Wars. The Qajar dynasty, young, unstable and weak, sought foreign aid to turn its army into a force capable of standing up to the Russians, but the shifting dynamics in Europe screwed them over: the...
  14. brekkur

    AHC: Vladivostok a technological hub and sprawling megalopolis

    I recently came across this althistory page: In the post, the creator turned Vladivostok into "the world's most modernized city", and Vladivostok became one of the major tech hubs of the world...
  15. Imperial Advocate

    The Eagle and the Bear, United - A TL on a Russo-German Alliance
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: The Russo-German Alliance and the Realignment of European Alliances

    Hello to all who are reading this new TL of mine. It's been a (very) long time since I was into the TL writing business on this board and this is effectively my first TL since it's been that long. I hope that my TL isn't too zany and I hope to entertain you with a good story to tell... Chapter...
  16. GameBawesome

    WI: Russia shot first (AKA Russia invading Austria-Hungary first)

    As we know, before WWI, Europe was a mix of paranoia, nationalism, and alliances. A month after the Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which caused Russia, who was allied with Serbia, declaring war on Austria-Hungary. This then caused Germany to declare...
  17. Friedrich der Große

    Russo-German peace after a CP victory in the west

    What if Germany won WW1 “quick” in the west in 1914/1915. How would the Eastern Front develop? And what would be the peace treaty between the CP’s and the Russian Empire?
  18. Otaku Von Bismarck

    WI: Qing-Russia war in 1858

    Back in 1858 the Qings were fighting Hong's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom since 1850 and also where on the course of losing the Second Opium War, Seeing this context Russia threatened to invade if the Qings were not to cede the northern half of Outer Manchuria. Qing China agreed and ceded the...
  19. What would the Russian empire want if they won world war 1?

    I've been looking into into what the Russian empire would want if they won world war 1 and would seek at the table. Note I imagine if they did still win they obviously would have many issues but it's best to assume in this case these are their maximalist goals that they would use first then...
  20. Qajar Persia retakes Azerbaijan from Russia in 1826-28? Following more than a decade of military reform, spearheaded by crown prince Abbas Mirza, and a minor but victorious border war against the Ottoman Empire, the Qajar dynasty attempted to reconquer the territories it lost to the...