
  1. Plausibility Check-Llamas introduced to Mesoamerica

    We had a productive thread on this subject a few years ago, but after recently revisiting some old notes of mine, I thought I'd canvass some opinions to see how possible/plausible people would find such an event occurring, and if it did occur, how far some sort of llama pastoralism could spread...
  2. WI Llamas and alpacas in North Africa?

    Iirc, the spread of goats through north africa and the middle east helped to aggravate the desertification proccess. What if domestic americal camellids were brought to replace the roll of goats? Llamas eat grass cutting it, stead of ripping the roots like goats. Their manure is highly fertil...
  3. Huehuecoyotl

    Lands of Bronze and Fire - An American Domestication Timeline, Take Two
    Threadmarks: I. Lands of Bronze and Fire, the Uurung, and the First Cradle

    Northern *New Mexico, ca. 10,500 BCE The chorus of whistling birds filled the early morning with joyous sound, masking the footfalls of the hunter as he trod gingerly through the scrub grasses. Out into the scrubland he had dashed, following the familiar traces until he'd come nearly within...