
  1. Meshakhad

    What would a Red Israel look like?

    The idea of a Red Israel has come up a few times (such as in A World of Laughter, a World of Tears), as a result of the US shifting to a pro-Arab position and the Soviets backing Israel. However, I've never seen it explored in much detail. So assuming that the Soviet Union did become Israel's...
  2. Napoleon proclaims a Jewish State

    In 1799 Napoleon lost at Acre to a British-Ottoman force. Supposedly after winning he had planned to march to Jerusalem where he would proclaim a Jewish state or would make a proclamation for the Jewish people to return to their homeland. What if Napoleon had won in Acre, entered Jerusalem and...
  3. AHC/WI: Six Day War Ends in a Stalemate/Ceasefire

    If the Six Day war between Israel and the Arab states ends in a stalemate/ceasefire where basically the whole conflict ends in a status quo ante bellum, what happens next? Is this even possible? Is this considered a victory for either Israel or the Arab states or both? How is Arab nationalism...
  4. Abd ar-Rahman II

    Discussion / WI : a Third Palestinian territory / Safed strip

    Let’s say that Syria manage to do far better during the 48 war because of PoDs before the wars ( or even Palestinian militia in mandatory Palestine civil war doing better in the region) and manage to take keep something around these land ( the red line) . What would be the consequence ? in the...
  5. Sarufiyyun

    Weave Hangings for Asherah: An Iron Age Timeline
    Threadmarks: I'm The King

    Weave Hangings for Asherah: An Iron Age Timeline A depiction of an Asherah pole, the Tree of Life CHAPTER ONE: I'M THE KING It was late into the third year of Lord Ba'l-mazzer’s reign over the land of Pūt [1] when a group of messengers arrived, reporting news from the south. Elisha, a...
  6. errorofmyself

    WI : Zionist USSR and Anti-Zionist USA ?

    Could this role reverse happen and if it does ? What are the biggest consequences ?
  7. Abd ar-Rahman II

    Palestinian accept 1947 Partition Plan as a step towards claiming the whole of Palestine

    Ok i just find this quote about Ben Gurion on the idea of accepting a partition of mandatory Palestine and it got me thinking what if the Palestinian leaders in 1947 had the same line of thinking ? Possibly realising more Israel military superiority over them and the weakness of the...
  8. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI The Lost Tribe Returns: Israel develops a ‘Special Relationship’ with Afghanistan in the 1960s?

    The belief that the ethnic Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan are in fact descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel has persisted for a long time amongst Pashtuns themselves and Israeli academics in the last few decades. It likely has some basis in fact with many historical mentions of it going...
  9. Is there any way for the 2000 Camp David Summit to suceed?

    Researching the 2000 Camp David summit. It's very interesting, and I was wondering if there was any possible way for it to have succeeded. The main points of contention were as follows: Territory: Arafat wanted the 1967 borders, which he said was itself was a compromise. A palestinian...
  10. jhuro

    AHC: Ethiopia as a Jewish Homeland?

    The challenge is to make Ethiopia, which has a long history with Judaism and its own Jewish community, the primary refuge of Jews around the world. Is it possible?
  11. ChadMachine999

    Israeli refuges after Arab Victory

    If the Arabs were victorius against Israel during the six day war and Israel was completly removed what countries would the Israeli refuges flee to? What sociopolitical problems would such a refuge crisis cause?
  12. WI: WW2 and the Holocaust Occur But No Israeli/Palestinian State

    As someone of Jewish heritage and a history major who's studied the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I've always wondered what would happen if there were no plans for a state of Israel located in Palestine and the Jews could not end up there. Kind of a follow-up/opposite side of the...
  13. Jordan's monarchy is overthrown in 1958?

    What if Jordanian king Hussein suffered the fate of his cousin, Faisal of Iraq, and was toppled by a military coup the same year (1958) that established a republic? Would keeping Suleiman Nabulsi, who pushed for closer ties with Nasserist Egypt, as prime minister (he was removed in 1957 after...
  14. ChadMachine999

    No Nakba

    What if theier was no 1948 expulsion of Palestinians. What would the effects on the future of the Middle East be?
  15. How does the situation in Israel/Palestine play out with no WW2/Holocaust?

    IIRC there were several proposals before WW2 by the UK/League of Nations to partition Palestine into a separate Jewish/Muslim state. Would this ever happen without WW2 and the horrors of the holocaust? And if this did happen, could this lead to an even bigger more prosperous Israel with all the...
  16. nekomancer

    What if the nuclear Negev Canal actually existed?

    Not too long after the Suez Crisis, the United States actually had suggested digging a canal across the Negev Desert in Israel as an alternative to the Suez Canal. ...Using over 500 nuclear bombs. Yes, this was actually real. According to the memo, this was because of the exponential cost of...
  17. WI: Albert Einstein, President of Israel

    In 1952, Israel's first president Chaim Weizmann passed away. Israel's prime minister David Ben-Gurion offered Einstein the post, but he refused. What if Einstein had accepted the position? Could he have done something significant with it? Yes, I'm aware that the office of President of Israel...
  18. Could the United Arab Republic survive a defeat against Israel?

    There are a bunch of threads discussing how plausible and what PODs are needed for the United Arab Republic to survive, but AFAIK none about if the union could've survived a war against Israel, something that seems almost inevitable given the OTL Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War. Assuming the...
  19. An alternate Partition of Palestine

    Assume that, after the 1936-1939 Arab Revolt, and with the knowledge that Arabs would not accept a partition plan, the British, with tacit support from Jewish Agency and Jewish Assembly of Representatives, decided to unilaterally partition the land into a Jewish state(Israel) and an Arab...
  20. Israeli Elections in 1973: An earlier upheaval?

    Most are aware that Israeli politics were shaken by the 1977 elections in which the Alignment lost power and Likud formed the government. There were many factors in this (growing participation of Mizrahi voters, anger at the economic performance especially of non state sector companies, disgust...