french revolutionary wars

  1. Deprensus Et Replaced: A British America Timeline: What if the Tatmadaw was French!

    What if The American Revolution never Happened has been done many times but not in this way. this was Inspired by Taiwan
  2. EasternRomanEmpire

    Expansion of Revolutionary France without Napoleon.

    Say Napoleon falls sick in the Egyptian campaign and dies. What would be the goals of another French government? Would they try to conquer more territories or would they be fine with trying to maintain the status quo?
  3. TheDoofusUser

    AHC : Keep the French Navy Strong for a Napoleonic Sealion

    We know the chances of a sealion is seen, by pretty much everyone, as zilch, both in the Napoleonic Era and in WW2 (though I see the WW2 one as Hitler trying to scare the British into suing for peace than not actually attempting an Operation Sealion). However, I recently read in a thread that...
  4. Charles Dumouriez, hero of the French Revolution?

    Charles François Dumouriez was one of the generals who, together with François Kellermann, led the French army to victory at the Battle of Valmy, which stopped the Prussian invasion of France and gave a much needed morale boost for the revolutionary cause. He then invaded and occupied the...
  5. No Napoleon:Span of Bourbon restoration

    If Napoleon was never born how early would bourbon restoration happen ? How long would they stay on the throne?
  6. AltoRegnant

    What If Tsar Paul I Wasn't Killed By Nobility?

    OTL, three Russian Tsars saw the crisis of the french revolution. Catherine II, who was an "enlightened despot" before the revolution scared her into reversing course; her son Paul, who was naturally against the revolution and the expansion of France across the continent and wanted to restore...
  7. Friedrich der Große

    Stadhouder Willem VI

    In 1799, there was the Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland. The British and Russians wanted to free the Netherlands of the French during the Second Coalition War, and restore the stadholder. But they failed. What if… But what if in an alternate timeline, the Anglo-Russian invasion was succesfull...
  8. Friedrich der Große

    What if the Dutch Empire stays intact after Napoleon?

    During and after the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch gave Ceylon, Cape Colony, Guiana and some cities in India to the British. But what if they got all these colony’s back. As a result, the Netherlands remains a (middle)great power, which I want to have. So, I thought that the best POD is that...
  9. Cymry-Korean

    French Demographics without a Violent French Revolution?

    How would France develop demographically if the more violent aspects of the French Revolution and the warfare that followed were avoided? Would this lead to a France that's demographically stronger in comparison to Britain, Germany, and Austria-Hungary? Would avoiding the revolutionary wars...
  10. France doesn't invade Egypt in 1798?

    What would've happened had the French not invaded Egypt in 1798? Let's say one of the higher ups in the Republic realizes that it's impossible to control the place in the long term thanks to the presence of the Royal Navy. Would France have won the War of the Second Coalition faster with...
  11. WI: The Veneto joins the Cisalpine Republic in 1797?

    When Revolutionary France brought the Republic of Venice to its end, Napoleon, against the wishes of the leadership in Paris, carried forward with negotiations to surrender everything east of the Adige to Austria while the provisional government in Venice voted in favor of joining the Cisalpine...
  12. Discussion: Napoleon's early demise

    There were multiple attempts on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte historically, all of which failed, but each of which might have had interesting consequences. Which attempt was the most plausible and/or the most consequential, and why?
  13. Whiteshore

    Impact of Napoleon dying in Egypt

    In a scenario where Napoleon dies during his failed Egyptian campaign (let's say he dies from a stray bullet or something along those lines), what would the impact be on France and the French Revolutionary Wars? How does France develop without Napoleon's coup? Does the Directory limp on? Or...
  14. Consequences for Europe of Napoleon accepting the Frankfurt Memorandum?

    At the Congress of Vienna, much of the focus in our timeline of putting Europe back together was on awarding to one state or another ares the French had gained in the preceding fifty years or so. It occurred to me looking at another thread though that the map might be very different the postwar...
  15. WI: Austrian victory at Marengo

    What if it had been the Austrians, not the French, who triumphed at Marengo? How might things have been altered?
  16. mapperific

    Fraternité de Rébellion: WI the French Revolution failed?

    THIS IS OUTDATED: FOR THE REVAMP, PLEASE VIEW HERE Fraternité en Rébellion is a Hearts of Iron IV mod set in the flames of 1933. In this alternate history...
  17. WI: Napoleon killed at the Siege of Toulon

    During the Siege of Toulon, a young artillery officer was wounded in the thigh by a British bayonet. That young officer's name was Napoleon Bonaparte. What if he had suffered a considerably more fatal injury?