british empire

  1. Chances of a Second American Revolution if the first fails?

    Let's say that, for some reason, the Americans lose the revolutionary war against the British and Britain re-establishes firm control over the colonies. Could there potentially be another revolution, some time in the future? In addition, if there could be, how likely is it to be successful? I...
  2. The Lethargic Lett

    Reaction of the Dominions if King Edward VIII marries Wallis Simpson?

    In 1936, King Edward VIII abdicated after less than a year as King of the British Empire, so that he could marry American double divorcee, Wallis Simpson. His brother, Prince Albert would be crowned King George VI and would go on to admirably lead the United Kingdom during the Second World War...
  3. AHC: Bloodiest WW2 possible

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept it is to have as much damage and casualties as possible in the second world war, bonus if it exceeds 100 million or more. POD is after the Japanese invasion of China in 1937
  4. TLIAF: It's a Two Horse Race
    Threadmarks: Part I: Stanley Baldwin (1923 - 1924) and Ramsay MacDonald (1924)

    Stanley Baldwin Conservative 1923 – 1924 In May 1923, British Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law found himself having to resign from office, as a result of a diagnosis of terminal cancer which would lead to his death in October. This left King George V with the task of appointing his successor...
  5. General Kenobi

    Ultimate British Empire

    An empire with the territories of the Ottoman Empire at its highest extent, the Soviet Union at its highest extent, the British Empire at its greatest extent including the Canada and current U.S. along with U.S. territory. This massive empire spanning from all across the world would have a...
  6. Indicus

    WI: British ban of the Indian indentured system continued

    In the wake of Britain’s ban of slavery, a manpower shortage emerged in the Caribbean. Ex-slaves refuses to continue to work on their former masters’ fields. The result was a labour crisis. To solve this, indentured Indian labourers were transported across the British Empire, and later other...
  7. What if Lower Canada was given to America in 1783?

    This map shows the proposed transition of Lower Canada to America. This plan was never revealed to the Americans and Lower Canada obviously stayed British. What is this went ahead? What if Lower Canada was given to America? How would this change history?
  8. What of Britain and France bombed the Soviet Union?

    What of Britain and France bombed the Soviet Union? Plans were made for them to attack the Soviet Union as they thought they were a ally of Germany. This of course never went ahead, however what would happen if they did? First off the Soviet Union would most likely join Germany in a fight...
  9. What if nuclear weapons never existed?

    What if nuclear weapons never existed? What if the people who lead up their invention never excised, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, etc... or if the thought of inventing them never occurs to anyone. How would this change the end of World War Two and the cold war? Operation...
  10. AHC: Keep The British Empire United Into The Modern Day

    What events have to change to keep the British Empire so the 'sun never sets on it' united into the modern day? What were the 'key flashpoints' in history (the world wars were clearly two of them) have to have never happened or happened differently for the British Empire to remain united into...
  11. Independant Kashmiristan

    WI: What if an independant Kashmiri state was created in 1947, along India and Pakistan? Information:
  12. What if Queen Victoria was assassinated?

    On the 10th June 1840 Edward Oxford attempted to assassinate a four month pregnant Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert, however he missed and all three survived. There are seven possible ways the assassinated attempt may have played out. 1.Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and their four...
  13. What if FDR and Hoover swapped places?

    What if FDR was elected in 1929 and Hoover in 1933, how would this change history?
  14. What if Charles I won the English Civil War/War of the Three Kingdoms?

    What if Charles I won the English Civil War/War of the Three Kingdoms?
  15. What if James Cook was never born?

    What if James Cook was never born? Would this mean that British exploration into Oceania takes longer? Was James Cook that essential, or would someone else just take his place? If Britain took longer or maybe never went to Oceania, what would happened? Would the Dutch take Australia, or the...
  16. Incanian

    AMERICAN REVOLUTION LOST!!!! What happens to China?

    So after thinking about the American war for independence, I was wondering about the effects a stronger presence in North America would have on the Qing empire. Seeing as North America is a higher priority, would the British have a higher stand on the Chinese? What would be the effects of a...
  17. Joshuapooleanox

    Alternate History UK 1933 Timeline concepts

    From January 1933, it seems as if the destiny of the UK is set. Policies of limited state intervention and a rejection of Keynesian Economics is seen as the cure to the depression, the National Government is set up, and realistically the chain of succession onto Chamberlain seems relatively set...
  18. Joshuapooleanox

    Did Britain want anymore colonies?

    Are there any candidates for areas that could've become colonies or Britain was interested into making into colonies? Let's go with Pre-WW1 1914 British Empire.
  19. What if the Japanese Invaded Australia in World War 2?

    This youtube video, , claims that if Japan managed to invade Australia then World Two would last longer and the Soviet Union would mange to take over much more of Europe, including the whole of Germany and Italy, and Japan would be spilt into a Soviet puppet north and American puppet south...
  20. Impact on Britain and the USA of a shorter WW2?

    Recently I've been considering the impacts of the Soviet Union doing better in ww2 and the war ending in Europe in late 1943. Borders in Europe aren't too much different from OTL, Greece is still in the British sphere of influence, East Germany looks about the same as OTL, there may be a Soviet...