
  1. QTXAdsy

    WI Wales qualified for the 1982 World Cup?

    Though Wales has since qualified for the 2022 World Cup, their first since 1958, they have had a few close calls before hand with teams that should've played at a World Cup with the Welsh team of the 1980's being perhaps the team the most unlucky not to qualify for a major tournament and they...
  2. It's like Algerian power belongs to a world other than ours! (From British History Books)
    Threadmarks: Algerian history

    With quick information from Algeria’s bright history If we travel 340 years to the past, we will find Algeria governed by one of Algeria’s bravest rulers in history, Baba Hassan. At the beginning of his reign, the King of the Netherlands sent him a peace treaty to become the secure Netherlands...
  3. Gabingston

    What if the English and French colonies in North America were flipped?

    What if the English and French colonies in North America were flipped? By this, I mean that the French colonize the eastern seaboard from Georgia up to Maine and the English colonize Canada and Louisiana. The Canadian Maritimes could go either way. How large would the populations of a French...
  4. Blue Moon. The 10 percent complete alternate history beginning in 1962.

    Blue Moon (WIP name) A timeline where Britain are the first on the moon. February 1962: Following John Glenn’s successful orbit of the earth, the British government is faced with a question. Do they pursue a space program, requiring tremendous amounts of money, effort, and support, or do...
  5. Ersatz Sequoyan

    Into the Unseen Era - A Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The End of a War

    Hello everyone! A quick introduction first, I'm a long time lurker and have finally decided to throw in my hand into writing a timeline of my own. You will have to forgive me if I sometimes stray from a more accuracy-based timeline, while I am trying to be as accurate as possible, my resources...
  6. Sarthak

    The Ladies Game: A Cricket (Sport) Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Change in the Air

    A Few Sentences before beginning……… Very few women walked the streets and sat on the balconies of their home in late 2018 without the excited murmurs of ‘World Cup’ being passed from their lips. The centennial anniversary of the Women’s Cricket World Cup (WCWC) was set to be a great...
  7. AHC: Make a Celtic-Norse Britain

    With a POD no earlier than 388 AD, make the Celts/Romano-British push away the Saxons and stay dominant over Britain, later turning into a Celtic-Norse hybrid culture. Also, how do you see a Britain like this developing?
  8. Sarthak

    With a PoD from 1982 have the Official Monster Raving Loony Party win a general election in UK

    Starting with their establishment in 1982, create a semi-plausible way in which the OMRLP wins a general election and forms a government in The United Kingdom. Also what would be the consequences of such an event? How would the party govern the UK beyond political satirism?
  9. Sarthak

    Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline
    Threadmarks: OP

    Wolfborn A Native American Timeline I am the wolfborn, the spirit of history, the core of today, and the heart of tomorrow. I am wolfborn of this land. - Old Sioux Poem. Welcome to Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline! Where Natives are given the due focus they deserve with a chance to...
  10. Vylon Disigma

    Would Spain join Britain in ARW in exchange for Gibraltar or Florida.

    As in the title, if circumstances arose earlier in the ARW where Britain was not so confident in victory, would they be a able to recruit Spain to their side by offering Gibralter or Florida in exchange? Would they be willing to join against France too? I thought of the scenario after I read...
  11. drporter357

    Japan takes over Britain in 1430 after The great slump.
    Threadmarks: The start of something glorious

    What if in 1430 after the great slump began in Britain. What if japan offered to take over Britain for 500 yen and proceeded to turn it into a british version of japan.
  12. Basileus_Komnenos

    Society and Politics in Britain where There’s No Great Reform Act

    How would society and the political situation in Britain during the 19th century evolve in a situation without the Great Reform Act being passed? Would it be affected by Revolutionary movements in 1848? How would this affect the Chartists? In otl they planned on marching in a large protest...
  13. Consequences of Tory winning in 1929 and defeated by Labour under Lansbury in 1931? Considering that IRL 1929 elections were pretty close, let's say that Tories manage to win a slight majority for a PoD. After another defeat, MacDonald is replaced by Lansbury as Party leader. Lansbury manages to secure his...
  14. More British influence and colonies on mainland Europe

    It's always boggled my mind how the United Kingdom, one of the largest colonial empires in history barely controlled any territory in Europe with the exception of Cyprus and Malta. So, what if the British actually, say had more colonies or territories on mainland Europe? My first idea is a...
  15. Labour loses in 2005- who would lead the Party after Blair.

    Ok, my scenario features multiple PoDs: 1)The 1993 WTC bombings are successful and and the ''War on Terror'' starts 8 years earlier. US is not involved in either Afghanistan or Iraq and instead atatcks Sudan (which hosted Al-Qaeda back then) and generally focuses more on Africa during 1990s-...
  16. tonycat77

    British find the massive gold deposits in Uganda in the 1920s Assuming this extraordinary claim is true, Britain will have access to 12 trillion dollars in today's prices worth of gold. I expect the logistical technology, extraction, refinement, etc will...
  17. GameBawesome

    WI: Prince Frederick escapes to Britain?

    We're all familiar with Frederick the Great of Prussia. And by the modern times, we're all familiar with his homosexuality, and one time he tried to flee to Great Britain with Hans Hermann von Katte. However, they were discovered, and Frederick was forced to watch Katte get executed, only to...
  18. Sarthak

    Who Dares Wins: Britain’s War of 1982-83; A TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Who Dares Wins: Britain’s War of 1982-83 By: History Foundation of Europe Sarthak Bikram Panta LONDON © 2021 Chapter 1: The Fortress of Britain Modern Day Gibraltar Since the age of the Ancient Greeks, Gibraltar has had an eventful history. Considered to have been the site of the Pillars of...
  19. PC/WI - Russians enact the Duhamel Plan (Invasion of India during the Crimean War)

    The Duhamel Plan was the proposed Russian invasion of India during the Crimean War. It is… ambitious to say the least. The idea was to threaten the British-controlled India by invading through either Central Asia or Persia. The invasion force would consist of nearly 30,000 Russian soldiers...
  20. AltoRegnant

    WI: Anglo-Mexican Alliance Against American Manifest Destiny?

    OTL, James K Polk was a fierce American expansionist and pro-slavery politician. He was, however, not exactly stupid, and while he sought to take land from both Britain and Mexico, chose to negotiate with the former- technically i think he wanted to with Mexico as well but they weren't...