
  1. CountofDooku

    Senor Adolfo – an Argentine Hitler
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Conspiracy Theories

    Chapter One: Conspiracy Theories With the End of the German Civil War started with the Beer Hall Putsch and resulting in Nazi, Socialist and Communist uprisings across the Republic of Germany, mainly in Bavaria, Thuringia and Saxony, many German Socialists and Communists who had survived and...
  2. Xenophonte

    President Hoover Argentine?

    What If the then recently elected US President H. Hoover would have been killed in Argentine? This could have happened because, according to the Argentine police, on December 11, 1928, (before the arrival of Hoover to the Argentine) in the framework of his month-long goodwill tour through...
  3. Argentine First World country in 2000

    What do the Argentinians have to do to avoid falling back? Some ideas I had: A smart dictator (like in Singapore); right kind of immigration; avoiding Peronism; what else?