al andalus

  1. Bomster

    WI: Umar ibn Hafsun defeats the Umayyads - Mozarab/Muladí Al-Andalus

    One of my favorite historical subjects to research is Al-Andalus, the Muslim-ruled realms of the Iberian peninsula that existed between the 8th and 15th centuries. A land where East met West, Al-Andalus represented a rare example of Islamic Arab rule of Western European territory, resulting in...
  2. Bomster

    Realistic PODs for a surviving Al-Andalus

    Al Andalus is one of the most interesting societies in world history. It was an eclectic, diverse society of Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together in relative harmony compared to other regions at the time. It was one of the most advanced societies in Europe for its time, with Cordoba...
  3. No Almohads?

    The founder of the movement that eventually led to the creation of the Almohad Caliphate, Ibn Tumart, was a puritan Muslim scholar who got into all sorts of trouble during his life. According to Wikipedia: What if he drowned or was left behind by the sailors, years before he launched his...
  4. A Marinid victory at Río Salado?

    The Battle of Río Salado put a decisive stop to the Marinids' attempt to expand into the Iberian Peninsula. They were laying siege to Tarifa at the time, and almost took it by assault 20 days before the battle, so a decent POD for the Marinids to win could be having them capture Tarifa and thus...
  5. A Marinid empire?

    The Marinids were the last Berber dynasty to have a foothold in the Iberian Peninsula, a foothold that was lost after their defeat at the Battle of the Río Salado in 1340. They also unified the Maghreb under their rule, but said unification was short-lived. How successful could they be with a...
  6. AHC: Moroccan discovery of America

    What if Morocco discovered America before the Spanish? Let's keep this discussion realistic, with real reasons to make Morocco sail west (hostile islamic powers, bad trade relations etc.) and the consequences on the world and islam. Would Morocco convert the locals to islam, or would it use them...
  7. Crazymachines

    Moonlight In A Jar Writers Contest

    Moonlight In A Jar Writers Contest! Writing: Now! Posting: Now! Posting Closes: June 14th, 2021, 12:01 AM Eastern Time Results Decided: June 19th, 2021, 12:01 AM Eastern Time Rules Edits to works are allowed. One entry per user Winning entry will be made canon within the MIAJ universe...
  8. Abd ar-Rahman II

    WI : Abd Al Malik Al Muzzaffar isn’t assasined

    What if Al Muzzaffar second Amirid ruler of Al Andalus doesn’t die in 1008 either of angina or poison and live/reign to 1035 contrary to sanchuelo he seemed competent what would be the effect of him having a longer rule would the fitna of Al Andalus and Taifa era not happen ? Or with a Pod after...
  9. Abd ar-Rahman II

    WI : Muslim Victory at Alcoraz 1096 / Aragonese Disaster Zaragoza Taifa Survival

    Sinche Sancho Ramirez the kingdom of Aragon become in growing threat to the Hudid Taifa of Zaragoza expanding little by little in the Taifa former territory even if with some setback (the Taifa of Zaragoza was one of the strongest Taifa around and wasn’t exactly defenseless ) in 1094 Sancho died...
  10. Abd ar-Rahman II

    AHC : Wank The Taifa of Zaragoza

    What is the best POD to achieve a more powerful and long lasting Taifa of Zaragoza ? Avoiding the Almoravid in Iberia would probably be a good thing or at least having them accepts them as autonomous vassal but I would like to have Zaragoza weaken and stop the rise of Aragon early on . And how...
  11. WI: Andalus’ Almoravid Revival?

    The Ghaniyyids were the remnant Almoravid princes-turned-warlords of the Western Mediterranean. They took over Majorca for a while and ruled it for over 50 years. How would you make the Almoravids of Majorca, or their affiliate contemporary butterflies, prevent or at least reduce the effects of...
  12. WI: An Andalusian Ruler gives Vikings lands in Western Iberia ?

    I've been thinking about how a group of Vikings under Rollo were given land in Northern France and became the Normans over time. I also remembered that the Vikings would also raid the south of Al-Andalus. This got me thinking that maybe in an alternate timeline, an Andalusia ruler might have...
  13. Talus I of Dixie

    Muslim World: The True Faith Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Chapter 1

    Muslim World The Gates of Gaul: Tours The year is 732. A huge moorish army attacks Tours, the battle is bloody, but its commander, Algafeque, is cunning, a cavalry force composed of 3,000 brave knights who had placed Charles Martel in a trap and hiding how many the franks arrived, attack the...
  14. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: Berberized Al-Andalus

    When and how can we insert a strong Berber cultural, political, and religious component into Al-Andalus, after its conquest by Islamic forces? Perhaps through a more successful spread of the Berber Revolt of the 740's into Iberia? What would be the effects of a less Arab, more Berber Al-Andalus...
  15. CHKeeley

    What if Sabur al-Amirí restored the Emirate of Córdoba?

    Sabur al-Amirí was a Andalusian ruler of possible Slavic origin who started out as a slave and rose to be the governor of Badajoz. When the Caliphate of Córdoba collapsed, Sabur established a Taifa in Badajoz and excercised control over the entirety of the former Roman province of Lusitania. In...
  16. Maximum extent of Umayyad expansion in Francia, and vice versa?

    Although the Battle of Tours was not the clear turning point it is often thought to be, the Umayyads still made it pretty far into the Frankish realm(s). The Battle of Tours, albeit mostly a raid, did have significant effects on the popularity of Charles Martel, the founder of the Carolingian...
  17. AHC: Make this map accurate (Spain based in Andalusia)

    With a POD no earlier than 751, come up with a scenario that could make this map historically accurate. Basically, make Andalusia into a Christian kingdom stronger than the other kingdoms in Iberia, which actually claims the "Empire of all Spains" title, yet, has not actually united the...