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  1. shiftygiant

    Vignette: MK gain from CON

    MK gains Cornwall South West from CON Andrew George secures a stunning win for Mebyon Kernow and the Progressives, seizing Cornwall South West from Culture Secretary Sabastian Coe in a shocking upset. Former Progressives Spokesman for Regional Affairs, Andrew George, vowed to bring a strong and...
  2. shiftygiant

    TLIAF: Beneath an Amber Moon
    Threadmarks: Preamble

    ~=+=~ Merry Christmas! And a Happy Holidays. So, this is your 'annual TLIA*'? Yep. The Kennedy one? Indeed. The one you thought may be distasteful given what's happened in the last year and month? Yeah, but I've stopped worrying about that. Okay. Doesn't look very... Kennedy to me...
  3. shiftygiant

    WI: UKIP takes Heywood and Middleton

    So back in 2014, there were two By-elections taking place on the 9th of October. Clacton (in Essex), triggered when then sitting MP Douglas Carswell swanned off to UKIP, and Heywood and Middleton (in Manchester), triggered when Jim Dobbin's sadly died whilst on a trip to Poland. In our world...
  4. shiftygiant

    WI: Earlier Scottish Devolution?

    On the 30th May, 1913, a Second Reading of the Government of Scotland Bill was passed in the House of Commons 204 to 159 (transcript of the Second Reading here). The Bill, had it been taken further, would have given Scotland Home Rule, however outside circumstances- the First World War-...
  5. shiftygiant

    WI: Paddy Ashdown killed in November 1995?

    On 27th of November, 1995, Paddy Ashdown, Leader of the Liberal Democrats 1988-1999, was attacked whilst touring his Constituency with the local Vicar following a racially motivated firebombing of a local restaurant. Taunted and heckled by a group whilst walking with the Vicar, Ashdown invited...
  6. shiftygiant

    WI: Coalition Goverment formed in February 1974?

    The February General Election of 1974, called due to the collapse of the Heath Goverment, remains one of Alternate Histories more prominent British WI's. Following a fierce campaign from all sides, when the dust had settled and the votes counted, the results would stand at 297 Seats for the...
  7. shiftygiant

    WI: General Election debates in 1997?

    Having recently finished the fantastic Fourth Lectern, I've been wondering about when the earliest PM's debate could have taken place. Obviously there was the first challenge by Harold Wilson in 1964, which was declined, and Wilson declined Heath's own offerings for a debate. In 1979, Callaghan...
  8. shiftygiant

    WI: John Major lost in 1995?

    In June 22nd, 1995, John Major resigned as Leader of the Conservative Party to face party critics over his handling of the European Union. As the story goes, he was challenged by his Secretary of State for Wales, the Euroskeptic Thatcherite John Redwood, who proceed to loose Leadership to Major...
  9. shiftygiant

    Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

    In the late November of 2014, AYC launched the runaway success to the runaway success that was the 'Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes' thread, 'Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes II'. Now let the wikiboxes continue, and let us commence the 'Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III'. From the First Thread:
  10. shiftygiant

    A Better Tomorrow: An Election Night Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    +X+ "The Choice The choice before the electors today is not just between policies and programmes. It is about the way of life our country shall follow in the next five years, and far beyond that. In purely practical terms, it is a choice between another five years of the kind of incompetent...
  11. shiftygiant

    TLIAB: Ô Grande Bretagne

    +==+ French Now? Oh hello! Good to see you came back. So this is the follow up to Großbritannien, something about... Canada? Yes, I finally decided it was time to go through with my plan for Ô Grande Bretagne, the Canadian Großbritannien. Okay. You aren't doing this because the format...
  12. shiftygiant

    WI: Supermac killed at the Somme?

    I apologise if the title is slightly clickbaity, however it's a question I've been thinking on for a few hours now. What if Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister and all around decent chap, was killed at the Battle of Flers–Courcelette, which IOTL he was severally wounded at whilst leading his...
  13. shiftygiant

    WI: Miliband hung on?

    As you all know (although a recap might be needed), Ed Miliband was Leader of the Labour Party from 2010-2015. Brother of David Miliband and the face of the One Nation Labour era, Miliband resigned as leader of Labour following the disastrous 2015 election and... well, you know what happened...
  14. shiftygiant

    TLITD: Großbritannien Über Alles

    ~===~ What's going on here? What's with that German? Hi, I'm shiftygiant, and this is my TLITD, Großbritannien über alles. Oi, speak English! Oh, erm, sorry. But that's the title. It's in German for reasons, reasons that will be obvious once the thing starts. Okay then. What is a TLITD's...
  15. shiftygiant

    WI: Thorpe in Labour, Wilson a Liberal

    Jeremy Thorpe was the late leader of the Liberal Party, taking over from Jo Grimond and leading for the best part of a decade. Entering Parliment in 1959, this rising star would be famous for his internationalism, as a champion of human rights, and an opponent to the apartheid and racism in...
  16. shiftygiant

    WI: Anteo Zamboni kills Mussolini

    31 October, 1926. Benito Moussolini is driving through Bologna in a parade celebrating the March on Rome. Suddenly, gunshots ring out, and bullets ricochet off his car. The shooter is 15 year old Anteo Zamboni, who is dragged from the crowd by Squadristi, beaten, and then lynched. His attempt on...
  17. shiftygiant

    WI: Prime Minister Randolph Churchill

    1963- Harold Macmillan has retired. With his Premiethisp rocked by the Vassall and Profumo affair, and after weeks of indecision as he hoped to hold out to the next election, prostate trouble has forced him into hospital. Whilst not fatal, his tumor has given him a credible and honorable reason...
  18. shiftygiant

    AHC: Liberal Democrats in Opposition

    With a PoD ranging from the General election of 1997 to the 2004 publication of the Orange Book to the recent General Election, what could have been done to have bought the Liberal Democrats into the position of the Opposition?
  19. shiftygiant

    AHC: Worst possible Prime Minister? (No OTL PM's)

    Okay, so discounting Oswald Moseley and Enoch Powell (who at this point are just low hanging fruits), who in British politics could have realisticly been the worst possible person to have become Prime Minister? EDIT: Okay, do not post actual Prime Ministers unless their Premierships are at...
  20. shiftygiant

    Alternate Logo Thread

    Inspired by the discussion on this thread, I've decided that we should have a thread dedicated to Logo's.We've got Flag Threads, Map Threads, Political Party threads, so why not a general Logo thread? Political, Corporate, Personal and the like, if you have an Alternative Logo, you can post it...