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  1. WI: Beastiality is an accepted pratice...

    Is that a real comic or was it edited?
  2. Map Contest III: Rules and Discussion

    My main problem has been fight a small war in another forum against a munchkin with no sense of scale, there is no way Pre-Crisis Michael Jakson should be allowed.
  3. Map Contest III: Rules and Discussion

    Sorry, I am acting like a mentaly challenged todler here but where is the right thread?
  4. Map Contest III: Rules and Discussion

    Sorry, where is the link to the thread you want me on? Sorry, I am trying. And
  5. Map Contest III: Rules and Discussion

    I will try to join this, it is hard to join in mid game so tell me if I do anything wrong. Would the demand of the release of Somolie POWs, and the release of all prisoners in my organization be a good way to go?
  6. The Official Creation of DC Timeline of Earth-53

    Sounds interesting, acounting for Raven as a member will be hard, she is already cannon but has only been a villian. I think I will avoid using Jason and the other Robins though, I think I will be doing a more Young Justice fill in, and have them be a recent group. I think I may use Raven's...
  7. The Official Creation of DC Timeline of Earth-53

    I jst realized on one has done the Teen Titans, though they have been mentioned. Neat, I will be doing them today, any ideas?
  8. The Official Creation of DC Timeline of Earth-53

    Almost exactly the oposite... Donna Troy a.k.a. Troia and Geo-Force a.k.a. Brion Markov. Born through a rape (her father is really Ares) Donna's first 7 years were hard and under an abusive single mother until she started a fire that consumed her mother's apartment complex and killed 16...
  9. The Official Creation of DC Timeline of Earth-53

    Orphan girl on the streets of Star City durring the Joker's rise to power with superpowers. The Joker is going to find a way to get rid of her of course, to everyones benifet (except for the people of Star City.)
  10. The Official Creation of DC Timeline of Earth-53

    Did you ever do Donna Troy? I have an idea for the Wonder Girl dynasty but it I want to make sure she is not used yet, Cassie is already Wonderella so I can't exactly use her.
  11. DBWI: For the last time. It Was Not Genocide. Got it?

    OOC: That is not what I meant at all, I assumed a few million might come to th US over the next 60 years, the numbers may have been a little high I admit. I am sorry if anyone misunderstood, I didn't mean we conquered them at all. If it would make people hayyier I could cut it down to 700...
  12. DBWI: For the last time. It Was Not Genocide. Got it?

    OOC: What did I do wrong? I meerly assumed that quite a few would came to the US because of problems there, they didn't all come at once, it was over the last 60 years. I was also trying to imply 3rd world status.
  13. DBWI: For the last time. It Was Not Genocide. Got it?

    I know, it makes even less sense considering how may Japs are now US citizens, if e hated them so much why did we let 7 million in our country?
  14. Two Transoceanic Canals

    You need a Cold War for this, both superpowers need one.
  15. Broadcast Power

    GURPS had done this. It is a very interesting read, it made a world right out of 50s scifi called Gernseback.* *Don't remember how to spell it.
  16. An additional public utility?

    Maybe another world would consider TV a utility and provide it free to the people either as a service to provide information or as a mass opium.
  17. Challenge: Maximum Persian cultural sphere

    Sorry, I am completely wrong and am sorry for it, Ithought I had read it but I must have missed that detail.
  18. Challenge: Maximum Persian cultural sphere

    They win one of the really big battles like the one from 300 (can't spell it) and conquer greece, they eventualy conquer all of Europe, they than have a scientific revolution and conquer the world. Simple but more likely than half the the AH scenerios puplished.
  19. Maximum First World and Democracies

    Sounds good, I would say making South America isn't that hard a too.