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  1. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    I made a fun guide for a neat federalist USA feature/bug
  2. jankmaster98

    Discussion: At what points did Portugal screw up and how could we fix these?

    If you consider that Spain broke apart the highly developed Incan Empire and Britain was able to make all of India acknowledge Britain under the Raj I don't see why circumstances couldn't have Portugal establish some kind of hegemony over Japan with the right mix of exploitation and luck.
  3. jankmaster98

    Discussion: At what points did Portugal screw up and how could we fix these?

    If Portugal had turned Japan into a colony maybe they could've extracted extra silver from there and invested it into stuff to make the metropole more powerful.
  4. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    I understand. Thank you for the work you have done, and hope that in your future projects you and the rest of the people who worked with you have all the success in the world. I really enjoy the content.
  5. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    @Flamefang I'm not sure if you're the overall China dev still, either way the work in Kaisreich China is awesome. What I am wondering is if there were any current plans to add post unification content to any tags that are not the federalists. As it stands the two tags I see as the most...
  6. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Any good submods with a focus on New England? I love those green little bastards.
  7. jankmaster98

    Stories of the Kaiserreich

    Sure, here's an example from history channel of the show. Maybe I'll include the clip in a formal thing.
  8. jankmaster98

    Stories of the Kaiserreich

    ...of the British Isles and the Third Internationale itself! Experience the battle, descent the tactics, relieve the Death of the Red British Navy! *cue theme music N: April 15th 1944. In the Western Approaches of the North Atlantic a squadron of F6F Hellcats from the carrier U.S.S. Grant...
  9. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    As someone who really liked to play in India, this update comes as a huge delight to me. While I always enjoyed the gameplay there, it did run into the thing where essentially the path for each of the three countries was the same. Build up and conquer the rest of the country and get cores. There...
  10. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Going roughly by continents with general followed by Weltkreig II stuff. I'll admit I'm a big fan of the Entente so bias is definitely a factor here. North America Torries win election in Canada thanks to exile and royal support pushing them over the edge. United States Elects Floyd B. Olson...
  11. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    The biggest thing I think this mod has made me appreciate is period music from the era and around the time. I really like the selection of music for every country that the devs have come up with and I feel like it really gives a sense of life to each nation you pick. Combine that with the unique...
  12. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Keep Democracy alive, from Sea to Shinning Sea!
  13. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    I have to say, I'm really liking the Canada changes so far. Makes it so much more interesting to play and the quick intervention in the ACW allows me to play out a lot of my previous head canons.
  14. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Canada's come home, boys!
  15. jankmaster98

    Stories of the Kaiserreich

    I have my idea for my next little thing. Going away from North America towards.... Brazil starring its most dynamic leader: Vargas :D
  16. jankmaster98

    Stories of the Kaiserreich
    Threadmarks: Story 10

    From the New World Parliament Hill, Ottawa The feeling in the room was tense as generals and politicians alike looked to the Prime Minister at the head of the table. William Lyon Mackenzie King was not one to give away his thoughts easily in his expression. The leader of the Liberal Party...
  17. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Nice, my faster times have been through the Federalists (No PSA). How fast do you feel the CSA reconstruction takes game wise? I feel like the Federalists have one of the longer Focus Trees to rebuilt politically and economically while the PSA has one of the shorter ones. I've never done a full...
  18. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

  19. jankmaster98

    Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    I've always wondered how the Great Depression panned into something so terrible in the United States when the Credit of the Entente Debt crashed things in the early 20s rather than late 20s. Without a major roaring 20s boom, how does the depression and then Black Monday happen at the same time...
  20. jankmaster98

    Stories of the Kaiserreich
    Threadmarks: Story 6

    So We Came Home It was very dangerous to play in the hills these days, or at least that was what the grown-ups said. Everyone seemed to be afraid of the constant German air raids from occupied France. Richard didn't pay much mind to those concerns though. His family was far from those big...