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  1. Challenge: Fix After Earth (the movie)

    As the title says -- how would you change After Earth to make it a financial success? And how would you change it to be enjoyable to you? Only stipulation is that your version of the movie has to have the same basic premise and plot. Here is an amusing review of the film and what went wrong...
  2. WI: Dalai Lama Killed by Al-Qaeda?

    So I recently read that supposedly, an Al-Qaeda linked group was attempting to assassinate the Dalai Lama in 2007. Say the assassination is carried out successfully. How does the world react? How does Asia react? What would it mean for the Buddhist faith? Would there be any rumors that Beijing...
  3. WI: North Korean Triumvirate?

    Something interesting I recently read: Source: So assuming this is true, how do you think North Korea would look like if Kim Il Sung's original plan for his sons came true? Any big changes from OTL that you can foresee?
  4. AHC: Axis Government in Exile

    Challenge: create a scenario where the Axis nations loose WW2 but officials from one or more of the nations (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Empire of Japan or one of the lesser members) escape and form a government-in-exile for their respective nation abroad.
  5. WI: Ottoman Empire falls later – what does the Middle East look like?

    So the current borders of nations in the Middle East have a lot to do with the way the Ottoman Empire was divided up following end of WW1. There were different proposals for what post-Ottoman Middle East & Anatolia should look like, but eventually one was settled on and for better or for worst...
  6. The Moose — Potential American Domesticate?

    So we have one of these threads every once in a while: "what if horses survived in North America?" or "what if American Camels didn't go extinct?" or "what if Amerindians had some super-lamas?" or some such. But here is an interesting I haven't seen brought up before — the moose. Some...
  7. AHC: British Eastern Europe

    ...region. For the purposes of the discussion, an “Eastern European region” is an area east of present-day Germany with majority Slavic population* or a region in the Balkans (regions of ex-Yugoslavia, present-day Albania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.) or the Baltic. * if the Slavic...
  8. AHC: Soviet Military Operation in USA... with a Twist!

    So it is not uncommon to see Soviet military invading the United States of America in various AH, military thrillers and sci-fi works. The original Red Dawn, Red Alert games, Amerika TV miniseries, etc., etc., etc. So here is a challenge for you: you have to come up with a scenario whereby...
  9. AHC: White Russian 'Taiwan'

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to have the anti-communist White faction of the Russian Civil War gain control of some part of the former Russian Empire and set up a rival government there that opposes the Bolseviks. Myself, I think a Tsarist Alaska would be cool :cool...
  10. AHC: A Homosexual Homeland

    I typically don't post sex-related suff, but this seemed like an interesting topic for a challenge: apperently, OTL there were attempts and discussions at creating a country for homosexuals. So the challenge is to get one of the OTL proposals or some non-existent ATL proposal to actually...
  11. DBWI: "Nationalism" becomes wide-spread?

    Thinking about some of the ongoing conflicts around the world recently, I wondered if the world might have been a better place had "nationalism" ideology only taken root? For those of you unfamiliar with it, "nationalism" was an idea kicked around in the 18th and 19th that people should be loyal...
  12. AHC: Invasion of Afghanistan as start of "WW1 Analog"

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create a scenario where the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan results in a global conflict analogous to WW1, where: 9/11 attacks = Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Al-Qaeda = Black Hand Invasion of Afghanistan by USA = Invasion of Serbia...
  13. AHC: Oprah Winfrey runs for US president

    So I was looking at works of some on-line cartoonists when I found this dating back to 2004: What surprised me was the irony that an African-American did run run in the 2008 presidential election under the "HOPE" slogan :p But it also inspired this challenge: get Oprah Winfrey involved...
  14. Political Ramifications of “North Japan”

    So I’ve seen this scenario pop up a few times before: assume that like OTL Germany, Vietnam and Korea ATL post-WW2 Japan is divided into a US-client “South Japan” and a USSR-client “North Japan”. Let’s also assume that this North Japan survives the fall of the USSR and like North Korea does not...
  15. WI: Batman... without Joker?

    Not sure how true it is, but here is an interesting factoid from TV Tropes Assuming this is true, what would happen to the Batman comics if there was no last-minute editing and the Joker remained as a one-off villain? How would the...
  16. DBWI: Hitler doen't escape Berlin in 1945?

    As we all know, Hitler and other top Nazi officials managed to slip through the fingers of the Allied forces as they were closing in on Germany from all sides. Despite the odds, he and his compatriots made it past the Atlantic Blockade and made their way to Argentina and then the Nazi Antarctic...
  17. ICWI: Less alien & more human characters on the Stargate: Universe show?

    So as we all know Stargate: Universe was the shortest lived show out of all the Stargate shows, being cancelled after only 2 seasons and finally bringing the franchise to an end. The show got poor ratings and many old Stargate fans didn't like the show. One of the reasons for this is thought to...
  18. AHC: Have post-USSR Russia dominated by Social Democratic party(s)

    As the title says. After the fall of the Soviet Union have the Russian Federation by present day become politically dominated by Social Democratic party(s) similar to Swedish Social Democratic Party and other Scandinavian social democratic parties. POD should preferably be after the Soviet...
  19. AHC: Switch the present-day disposition of Cuba and North Korea

    Today North Korea is an isolationist “hermit kingdom” that regularly engages in saber rattling with its southern neighbor and USA, is the only industrial nation to have suffered suffer large-scale famines and widely believed by westerners to be one of the worst places on the planet. By contrast...
  20. AHC: a surviving "Lost World/Civilization" discovered in 20th century

    Ever since I was but a babe, I really loved "Lost World" genre of fiction: the idea that in some remote part of the globe there can exist some civilization that survived for centuries, isolated from the outside world and "frozen in time". Atlantis, Shangra-La, King Solomon's Mines, etc. Your...