Recent content by Voltron64

  1. Grant Shot at Ford's Theater

    Considering how the Chinese Exclusion still happened here, did African-Americans also participate in the persecution of immigrants and their communities?
  2. Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    A signature scene of that movie? JFK and the audience reliving PT-109 as he suffers through his shooting and the ensuing surgery.
  3. Grant Shot at Ford's Theater

    Honestly, having learned that about Stalin through you, it makes sense of far too many things.
  4. Grant Shot at Ford's Theater

    I'm well aware, it's just with the Federal government being determined in quelling Confederate revanchists here... Not to mention freed blacks and their descendants in the south participating in transforming their home region into a industrial powerhouse on par with the northeast. I don't know...
  5. Grant Shot at Ford's Theater

    How was expansion to the west and the subjugation of indigenous peoples affected by the changes ITL? And was there still a Chinese Exclusion Act?
  6. Grant Shot at Ford's Theater

    Part of me thinks they and/or their descendants might end up becoming an underclass in Latin America. Which would be fairly karmic all things considered.
  7. Grant Shot at Ford's Theater

    Are Edisonades called Latimerades here?
  8. Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    On the casting of Pryor as Brainiac, might we envision him as Milton Fine, sideshow mentalist possessed by the disembodied mind of an alien super-intelligence?
  9. Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    For Prequel-era Obi-Wan, might I suggest going with Takeshi Kaneshiro?
  10. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    It's called the Narcissist's Prayer.
  11. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    "That didn’t happen. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did… You deserved it." (Personally, I think an addendum to that prayer should be "And since I did...
  12. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    If anything, he's probably a jingoist for Texas, shouting all about the glory and pride of that state resisting the CV.
  13. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    All I can say is pass the the popcorn.
  14. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    Honestly I agree with that, but that doesn't mean they won't go on living, getting up every morning even if they lost everything, and trying to make a life for themselves even it was lesser than it was before.