Recent content by stafford1069

  1. stafford1069

    AHC: avoid Britain's "Project Cancelled" of the 60s.

    I do not think cancelling the F155 project is a good idea. The project in its Fairey Delta III form would have given the RAF an F-15 Eagle performance aircraft by 1962/3. This would avoid buying the US Phantom (IOC 1968) and upgrades (avionics and AAM) would have kept it competitive when the...
  2. stafford1069

    Romano-Britains repulse the Saxon invasions

    i THINK I can generate rough ORBATS for the late 500s for the various post-Roman Rectorates. I mean I have the Notitia Dignitatum for the 430s. While the Southern units get smashed up during the Vortigen Period I noted above. So when Aelle made his move things were much weaker in the south...
  3. stafford1069

    Romano-Britains repulse the Saxon invasions

    What date is the withdrawl? and what unit are taken?
  4. stafford1069

    Romano-Britains repulse the Saxon invasions

    Robert Vermaat in develops the argument that a dude from Gloucester, Vitalinus, who was Arch-Bishop of London, was made into an emergency supreme commander (a Vortigern). For clarity I changed the references in the Chronology below by adding the...
  5. stafford1069

    A House Divided: A TL

    To Paraphrase "Amateurs deal with Schleswig-Holstein; professionals deal with Holy Roman Empire".
  6. stafford1069

    Romano-Britains repulse the Saxon invasions

    The Troops in the Notitia Orbat will be available for you: 3. The troops enumerated in Not. Occ. vii represent the field forces of the west as they were at this period (428-437), not, as is generally assumed, at the end of the fourth century...
  7. stafford1069

    What would a Communist America look like?

    I appeal to Radio Yerevan: This is Armenian Radio; Radio Yerevan: Our listeners have asked us, "Is it possible to build communism in America?" We answer: "Yes. Yes, it is possible to build communism in America. It's possible, but then who would we buy our grain from? Where would we get our...
  8. stafford1069

    Likelihood of a British victory

    I think because the war had been too bitter, too long, with the Four Horsemen making 50,000 dead (multiply by 2x or 3x for wounded) - the motherland defenceless to French invasion in 1779 - that their was no space for the opposing and losing rebels to be accommodated with more autonomy in the...
  9. stafford1069

    Likelihood of a British victory

    No. I reckon the fighting would have continued until 1777. Once the main rebel formations are defeated it would turn into something like the Partisan-phase of the Second Boer War. After all American Rangers carried on fighting the rebels two years after Yorktown, when both sides knew the...
  10. stafford1069

    Discussion: the final POD to keep the WRE survive

    Will over the weekend to try and think how to respond more positively to the OP.
  11. stafford1069

    Discussion: the final POD to keep the WRE survive

    You exactly the points I was going to make!!!!!!!!!!! :-) Post-Majorian Western Imperial remnants are stuffed. . .
  12. stafford1069

    Discussion: the final POD to keep the WRE survive

    Arther Ferrill in The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation talks about something similar: Barbarians who joined the Roman Army became Roman, Roman in culture, Roman in attitudes - Roman. While Barbarians who fought in...
  13. stafford1069

    Discussion: the final POD to keep the WRE survive

    Good grief I thought it was just me thinking " long as that fucking snake ricimer dies, western rome will live.". Thank you.
  14. stafford1069

    Eisenhower in the Pacific: Part 1 The Shoestring Warriors of Luzon

    In the Japanese world view the Japanese had a superiority complex with Chinese and an inferiority complex with Westerns. For example in Malaya Malay-Malayans in the Volunteer Defence Corps units which were disbanded before the surrender were not rounded up into POW camps, as to the Japanese as...