Recent content by okami

  1. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Orson Wells, may be Herbert Wells?
  2. Look to the West Volume VIII: The Bear and the Basilisk

    Rather, the anglicification of Kolachev, a fairly common Russian surname.
  3. Мир Жириновского - Zhirinovsky's World

    In russian correctly Мир Жириновского.
  4. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Until 1926, Novosibirsk was called Novonikolaevsk.
  5. Spiralling out of Control: 1992 - RNC

    This is not Baburin, Baburin right with a mustache.
  6. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    In Austria-Hungary, the Bratislava was called Prešporek/Pressburg/Pozsony.
  7. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    In 1921 Astana was called Akmolinsk.
  8. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Selitrennoe not a major town, but a village.
  9. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    Volgodonsk did not exist, near the stanitsa of Tsimlyanskaya.
  10. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline

    In 1918 Donetsk was called Yuzovka. Zaporizhzhia was called Alexandrovsk.
  11. When AH Becomes Propaganda: A Vile Tale of Chickenhawk Russian AH writers in East Ukraine

    Fedor Berezin,Gleb Bobrov, and Lev Vershinin are ukranian writers. Berezin living in Donetsk, Bobrov living in Luhansk, Vershinin living in Odessa.
  12. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

    Russian International no Международный, rigth Интернационал
  13. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    You forgot about Britannia Province.
  14. Lands of Red and Gold, Act II

    Cornelis de Houtman?