If You Could Change One Historical Event, What Would It Be?

Why? Better to get rid of him than trying to impart the lessons of tolerance and nonviolence into the brain of a fanatic like him.

As a child? I'm a nurture over nature guy, and I'm sure a lot of the problems stem from the fact that, well, their mother died early....without that you could see a more caring Aurangzeb....one that listens to his parents and respects his brothers.
I'm a terrible person to ask this question of, but I'm biting.

American involvement in Vietnam never escalates heavily, certainly not to the point of the draft.

I choose this primarily for the selfish reason that I'd have liked to meet my uncle, rather than for any of it's long term effects on history.
Thank you, America for giving us democracy, yeah right. :p:rolleyes:

It will be the Dutch or the French who'll colonize us and not the Spaniards.
And Marcos should have stayed in power (despite massive corruption, The Philippines was one of the tigers in Asia, only second to Japan), the People Power Revolution of 1986 was a big mistake, IT SHOULD HAVE NOT HAPPENED!

If all these are true, the Archipelago is as rich as its natural beauty, and it shall be there to stay.

It's more fun in The Philippines. ;)
Oh, I was talking about American intervention in 1898.
A Hidell/Lee Harvey Oswald's Carcano rifle is stolen by a corrupt Post Office
employee who uses it for duck hunting until he dies in 1993. Oswald fixates
on the loss and argues back and forth with the mail-order company until December 1963.

In February 1964, a still-living President Kennedy becomes infuriated after reading a series of student essays marking the beginning of the National
Merit Scholarship Program and initiates a national crusade to ensure that
all Americans know the difference between "lose" and "loose", declaring it
"a national embarrassment".

At the White House in 1969, Secret Service do not recognize Grace Slick,
who had been invited to a ceremony for Tricia Nixon. She adds several
thousand mics of LSD to the punch bowl. Richard Nixon addresses the
nation on TV the next day, talking about his "transformation". He soon
ends the Viet Nam War, fires Henry Kissinger, becomes a Buddhist and
wins 5 Nobel Peace Prizes.
Tricky Dick on acid is more likely to order the launch of all us nukes at russia than become a peacemonger.

If he wanted to, he WAS ALREADY a Quaker, for crying out loud.
Go back to the early 1990's and convince the EU and European leaders that the Euro needs much much more integration before it can start. Ensure there is a banking union, a transfer mechanism etc.

Would probably be enough to show Kohl how hated Germany is and how much burden it will put on the Germans if they go ahead as OTL.
Let's make a Better World

Give Calvin Coolidge a copy of THE FORGOTTEN MAN and encourage him to run in 1928.
Have WJ Bryan stay on as Sec of State.

In Nov or Dec 1916 he gets Wilson to acknowledge openly what he has already tacitly conceded, namely that armed merchantmen are fair game for USW. Hearing this, Bethmann closes with Hindenburg's demand for USW against armed ships. This is proclaimed on Feb 1, and as US merchantmen are not threatened (since none are armed) does not provoke a breach with the United States, which is able to sit out WW1.
Knock off Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Kim Il-Sung.

Stop Juvénal Habyarimana from getting on that plane, and maybe getting improved security.

Cut down Ian Curtis in time.

Get to Hendrix and stop him from choking to death.

And get myself some lottery numbers, tell myself not to miss so many opportunities... and most importantly of all, get the recipe for some really great sweets I made when I was 13, those were the best.
First choice would be to prevent JFK assassination.

Second less dramatic would be to try to get "butterfly ballot" removed from Florida months before 2000 election.

President Al Gore? Maybe or maybe not....;)
Go back to 1966, sleep with Dianne Chandler in her prime.

History? Feh. One assassination either way isn't going matter, might as well have some fun.
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