Map Thread V

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Is there actually a Krall cult? I thought it was like... you know... a joke. Just going along with it.... peer pressure and all that....

BTW, I'm looking up the early Auto industry, Camaro. I'm wondering if Ford would support war having been born in a post War of Secession world, maybe making a primitive tank by around the late 1880s (no necessarily TL-191, but any Confederate victory time line.
Here is the whole map I posted on the last page.

The map is fantastic, Frankolio. I have seen the others on your GrossDeutchland thread but I have never really understood why the hell America is so big. Granted it is a very good Imperial Germany wank but the fact that America has gone uber Manifest Destiny seems to detract somewhat from the rest of the map I feel, being glaring and somewhat ugly. Perhaps could could provide us with a shot TL to explain the map?

Other than that I like the map - a lot of effort put into it, especially in Europe.

Guess the POD

Reconstruction era. The US decides that in order to break the South's influence in the Senate, it will have fewerr states. The former military zones are used as guidelines?
Here's something I cooked up while waiting for dinner to cook. I base it one an expanded Russian Empire at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution. This is the Cold War in, let's say the 1980s.
Includes Soviet Union, puppets, allies
United States, NATO, allies

Take a wild guess at the PoD.

Soviet Union.PNG
Europe 1814

Napoleon stay on Elba: 1950(if everything else is just like OTL) :p

the British were Prussian close allies, so during 1930 they helped them crush the Belgian Revolt. Belgium remained under Prussian and then German control until WWI.
Austrian dominions in western Germany were annexed after the Austro-Prussian War.

After WWI France regain Alsace and get Belgium, Italy get Alto-Adige/Sudtirol and Austria become a divided country (ok, i know that with that eventuality maybe at Versailles things would be gone somewhat different ;))

WWII went as we know and here's Europe in the '50s with a slightly bigger West Germany and a still divided Austria.

what do you think is better? a divided Austria? Italy did not annexed Alto-Adige/Sudtirol? an indipendent Northtyrol? a german northtyrol? :D

napoleon stay in Elba 1950.PNG
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I thought it was pretty obvious Krall's post was done in jest, even towards himself.

Frankly, I almost always agree with Krall; we have too much 30-second MSPaint shit going on nowadays.
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