TL-191: After the End

Could we get a breakdown of the current monarchs of the rest of the eastern states?I believe what hadn't been covered yet is the Kingdom of Belarus, the Kingdom of Lithuania, the Grand Duchy of Latvia, the Kingdom of Finland and the Grand Duchy of Estonia

By 2024, the reigning monarch of Finland is King Johnannes II, of the House of Hohenzollern.

The reigning Grand Duke of Estonia is Grand Duke Andres I, of the House of Hohenzollern.

The reigning Grand Duke of Latvia is Grand Duke Aleksandrs II, of the House of Hohenzollern.

The reigning monarch of Lithuania is King Mindaugas IV, of the House of Urach.

The reigning monarch of Belarus is King Rikard I, of the House of Hohenzollern.
Who was the first reigning Monarch of Belarus in your version of events?

How would Karl Marx and his philosophy be viewed in the Western World without the likes of Mao and Stalin to taint it in Western eyes?
Who was the first reigning Monarch of Belarus in your version of events?

How would Karl Marx and his philosophy be viewed in the Western World without the likes of Mao and Stalin to taint it in Western eyes?

The first reigning monarch of the Kingdom of Belarus after the end of the First Great War was King Luitpold I, of the House of Hohenzollern.

Some of the philosophical and sociological ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels may enjoy more mainstream acceptance compared to our world, particularly in nations with influential and well established social democratic parties.
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Would there be comic shows about the Second Great War in this ITL, like there are in our world? For example, is there a counterpart of The Producers?

I'm also curious as to what may have become of a certain Dr Julius Robert Oppenheimer in this ITL.

I thought I'd show you a couple of things I have recently completed. What do you think? [I based a couple off of another TL on this website]

27th June
In the Russian SFSR, Sergei Korolev is Arrested on False Charges of Deliberately slowing the Work of the Research Institute by Ivan Kleymyonov, Georgy Langemak, Leaders of the Institute Executed in January. He is Tortured in the Lubyanka Prison to get a Confession during the Great Purge, Tried and Sentenced to Death. Glushko and Korolev are both Reportedly Denounced by Andrei Kostikov, who becomes Head of the RNII Following the Arrest of its Leadership. Without Korolev and Glushko, the Russian Rocket Programme falls far behind the Rapid Progress taking Place in Nationalist Germany.

In the Russian SFSR, while in Prison, Sergei Korolev Writes many Appeals to the Authorities, Including Stalin himself. Following the fall of NKVD Head Nikolai Yezhov, the new Chief, Lavrentiy Beria, Decides to Retry Korolev on Reduced Charges of being a “Saboteur of Military Technology,” but, by this Time, Korolev is on his way from Prison to a Gulag in far Eastern Siberia, where he spends Several Months inside a Gold Mine in the Kolyma before Word reaches him of his Retrial. Upon reaching Moscow, his Sentence is Reduced to 8 Years to be Served in a Sharashka Penitentiary for Intellectuals and the Educated. These are Labour Camps where Scientists and Engineers Work on Projects Assigned by the Communist Party Leadership. Korolev is brought to the Central Design Bureau 29 of the NKVD, which Serves as Andrei Tupolev’s Engineering Facility, to Work alongside his old Mentor.

In the United States, U.S. Military Intelligence Learns that the Confederates are Researching the Possibility of Producing a Sun Bomb. When a Delegation of Physicists had Approached President Franklin D. Roosevelt about this during his First Year in Office, he had Dismissed the Idea as a “Money ~ Sucking Boondoggle Waiting to happen,” however, now he has found out that at Least One of the U.S.’s Neighbours is Seriously Working on the Idea, he Decides, Reluctantly, that the U.S. must do likewise. With the Cooperation of Congress, a Secret Research Programme is Instituted.

7th April

In the Arab Kingdom of Syria, the Arab National Party is Founded by a Merger of the Followers of Michel Aflaq, [an Orthodox Christian] Salah al-Din al-Bitar, [a Sunni Muslim] and Zakī al-Arsūzī [an Atheist] in Damascus. The Party Claims Arab Nationalism as its Ideology and Design a Tricolour of Black, White, and Green as its Flag.

In the British Raj, a Constitution is Drawn up for the Republic of India. The Document Agreed upon Calls for the Creation of a Bi ~ Cameral Legislature [One House for Hindus, and the other for Muslims, with Representatives of the Buddhists, Christians, and other Religions which Occupy India] with the President to be a Hindu, the Vice ~ President a Muslim, with both the President and the ~ President to have Joint Command of the Armed Forces…One cannot Order the Military into Action without the Consent of the other. A Provisional Government is Selected by the United Nations Security Council which will Remain in Power until Democratic Elections can be held. Elections are Scheduled for 1950.
What is organized crime like ITTL? I don't believe prohibition ever happened in TL-191, so Al Capone and much of America's view of the Mafia would be different. With Mexico and the rest of Latin America being somewhat more developed, are drug cartels still a major issue?
What is organized crime like ITTL? I don't believe prohibition ever happened in TL-191, so Al Capone and much of America's view of the Mafia would be different. With Mexico and the rest of Latin America being somewhat more developed, are drug cartels still a major issue?

For my reply, I’m including what I previously wrote about the image of organized crime in US culture, slightly edited.

In the United States, organized crime was weaker in comparison to our world because of the absence of Prohibition. However, this did not mean that organized crime was non-existent. Different gangs emerged in various US cities that engaged in similar kinds of crimes, such as extortion, smuggling, racketeering, illegal gambling, and thievery. The gangs that emerged during the Interwar years did not operate at the same scale as in OTL. While there were conflicts between different gangs, there was nothing comparable to the North Side Gang - Chicago Outfit war or the Castellammare War from our world. Without the Castellammare War, the organization of the Five Families in New York City didn’t take place.

The long-term effects of these developments meant that throughout most of the 20th Century, organized crime did not have the presence or influence that it did in the United States in OTL. In cities like New York City, Philadelphia or Chicago, gangs were usually limited to certain neighborhoods, with the more powerful gangs achieving influence at the city level, or sometimes outside of their states. As in OTL, some gangs were divided by ethnicity. There were Italian, Irish, Jewish, and Polish gangs in different US cities during the Interwar period and the Second Great War. In most big US cities, no single gang ever achieved dominance over the criminal underworld.

Organized crime also emerged in Occupied Canada during the Interwar period. These kinds of gangs took advantage of times violent upheaval, such as during the two Canadian Uprisings, to supply civilians and rebel groups with essential supplies and goods for extortionate prices. The US military regime never succeeded in addressing the problem of Canadian gangs. However, these Canadian gangs never succeeded in expanding south past the former international border, and many of these gangs were destroyed during the US suppression of the Second Canadian Uprising during the Second Great War.

The lack of Prohibition also meant differences in how the law was enforced in the United States at the federal level. There was nothing analogous to either the Bureau of Prohibition or the FBI during the Interwar years. Enforcing the law against organized crime was left to different state and city police forces, not all of which placed a great amount of importance on enforcing the law against these kinds of criminals.

The end of the Second Great War proved to be a turning point for organized crime in the United States. The election of Thomas Dewey as President of the United States meant that the USA now had a leader who viewed organized crime as a serious problem to be addressed at the federal level. The Dewey administration founded the modern Bureau of Investigation, the analogue to the FBI from our world. The US government also passed new laws that were intended to stop illegal activities that crossed different state lines. Encouraged by the Dewey administration and supported by the new Bureau of Investigation, various District Attorneys began to target gangs in their respective jurisdictions. The 1940s and 1950s saw the successful arrests and sentencing of numerous gang leaders in different cities. While these postwar legal developments did not completely suppress organized crime, they did diminish what influence they’d possessed throughout the Interwar years and Second Great War.

However, the end of the Second Great War was also the catalyst for the emergence of what would come to be known as the Dixie Mafia. The Dixie Mafia was never one single organization, but was used to describe criminal gangs, known as outfits, that operated throughout the former CSA, in the region that became known as the Midsouth.

Organized crime had existed in the CSA, but had gone to ground under the Freedom Party, though some gang leaders cultivated ties with local Freedom Party bosses. The gangs that came to comprise the Dixie Mafia emerged in harsh conditions, when the former national government had collapsed, when much of the population had few economic prospects, and in an environment where was little to no trust of the new governing authorities. The Dixie Mafia gangs existed alongside the ultimate failed anti-US insurgency of the 1940s and 1950s, with different Dixie Mafia outfits absorbing survivors from destroyed rebel groups. One failure of the US authorities in the immediate postwar period was not addressing organized crime in the Midsouth, with the insurgency in the region as a more immediate danger.

The different Dixie Mafia outfits, for all of their differences in region and culture, were organized in similar ways by the 1960s and 1970s. The different outfits borrowed terminology from the Freedom Party for describing their own ranks, and also engaged in similar kinds of crime, including extortion, racketeering, smuggling, theft, and contract killings. Some of the Dixie Mafia outfits also differed in geographic reach and size compared to prewar US gangs. For instance, by the late 1970s the New Orleans Outfit dominated the criminal underworld of Louisiana and the Gulf Coast, the Bluegrass Outfit dominated the underworld of Kentucky, the Piedmont Outfit dominated the underworld of Atlanta and the interiors of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, and the Norfolk Outfit dominated Virginia.

The Dixie Mafia outfits shared certain elements of culture, as well as rules that were based on similar kinds of paranoia and xenophobia. By 2024, members of different Dixie Mafia outfits are banned from defecting to a different outfits or even marrying relatives of someone from another outfit. However, similar to the American Mafia from OTL, an associate of an outfit can be from any background, as long as they make the outfit money, or are considered useful in another way. The different Dixie Mafia outfits, from their earliest years, gained a reputation for brutality and cruelty. However, they did not receive much attention from the US authorities until the 1980s, when they began to expand their influence outside of the Midsouth.

Beginning in the 1980s, large numbers of people began to leave the Midsouth to seek better economic opportunities elsewhere in the United States. This large internal migration continued into the 1990s, 2000s, and the 2010s, which resulted in the establishment of what came to be known as Dixieland enclaves in different US cities located in the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Far North, Rocky Mountain West, Far Southwest, and West Coast. The members of different Dixie Mafia outfits were part of this wave of migration, and usually based themselves in the Dixielands that emerged in various US cities. It didn’t take long for different outfits to make their presence known.

During the 1980s and 1990s, there was a rise in violence involving gangs in different US cities, as the existing gangs were systematically driven out of their existing rackets and other criminal activities by the different Dixie Mafia outfits. None of the existing gangs in different US cities were equipped to face gangs that were larger and more openly vicious compared to anything that had been seen before in the underworld. By the end of the Tech Recession in the late 1990s, the criminal underworld throughout the United States was dominated by the different Dixie Mafia outfits. This didn’t halt the growing levels of violence involving gangs, as different outfits started to fight each other for the most lucrative rackets, and some local outfits, leaders tried to break away from the larger outfits in the Midsouth.

The Bureau of Investigation, after being caught flat footed in 1980s with the expansion of the Dixie Mafia outfits, began more concerted efforts to combat the outfuts in the early 1990s under the leadership of its new director, Alfred Astaire. Efforts by the Bureau of Investigation and different police departments to combat the Dixie Mafia continued during the DeFrancis, Gutierrez, and Hernandez administrations in the 1990s and 2000s, which resulted in some successes and brought the worst of the criminal violence to an end, though this did not entirely end the presence of the Dixie Mafia in the criminal underworld. While some outfits were broken up, other such gangs continued to operate on a smaller scale.

By the end of the administration of President Alfred Astaire in 2021, most political leaders in the United States assumed that the Dixie Mafia was no longer a serious problem. These assumptions would be disabused later in the 2020s when the Dixie Mafia Scandal brought down the Holst administration.

Unlike the portrayals of the mafia in some US works of fiction in our world, which arguably romanticizes and, to a certain extent, glamorizes organized crime, portrayals of the Dixie Mafia in US fiction in TTL tend to be unremittingly brutal, which is not too far removed from the reality of what Dixie Mafia outfits are in the real world. Fictional portrayals of the Dixie Mafia in US culture in TTL are similar to the portrayal of the Camorra in the film Gomorrah or the portrayal of the motorcycle gang in the film Mad Max in our world. Nothing equivalent to the Godfather films were produced in this world.


I don’t know enough about the history of organized crime in Mexico or Colombia to provide a detailed answer as to their presence and influence in TTL.
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I am not sure if this has been asked or covered before, but have you given any though on what the hosts / champions of the FIFA World Cup look like in TTL (and what the reach of FIFA is in TTL).
Same for Olympic hosts and the IOC?

I don’t have a list of cities that hosted FIFA World Cup events in TTL.

This is a list of cities that hosted the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics that was originally written by Lochnessmoonster, slightly edited.

1964 - Innsbruck, Austria-Hungary
1968 - Oslo, Norway
1972 - Minsk, Belarus
1976 - Quebec City, Quebec
1980 - Squaw Valley, USA
1984 - Lillehammer, Norway
1988 - Reykjavik, Iceland (Denmark)
1992 - Rostov-on-Don, Russia
1996 - Calgary, USA
2000 - Pyeongchang, Korea
2004 - Tallinn, Estonia
2008 - Milan, Italy

1896 - Athens, Greece
1936 - Richmond, CSA
1964 - Tokyo, Japanese Empire
1968 - Budapest, Austria-Hungary
1972 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1976 - Moscow, Russia
1980 - Sydney, Australia
1984 - Philadelphia, USA
1988 - Manila, Philippines
1992 - Santiago, Chile
1996 - Athens, Greece
2000 - Beijing, China
2004 - New York, USA
2008 - New Delhi, Bharat
2012 - Mexico City, Mexico
2016 - Rome, Italy
2020 - Kinshasa-Ncuna, Congolese Federation
Did the transatlantic telegraph cable exist in this TTL, and, if so, what happened to it?

Thank god. What does Zionism look like though, since in OTL it was a thing before the Holocaust?
Probably different political groupings in different countries which support the idea of a national Jewish homeland.
Thank god. What does Zionism look like though, since in OTL it was a thing before the Holocaust?

The analogue to Zionism in TTL was the Mizrachi movement. It was the Mizrachi movement that ultimately founded the Commonwealth of Zion, a Jewish state, after the beginning of the Ottoman Dissolution in Egypt he early 2010s.
The analogue to Zionism in TTL was the Mizrachi movement. It was the Mizrachi movement that ultimately founded the Commonwealth of Zion, a Jewish state, after the beginning of the Ottoman Dissolution in Egypt he early 2010s.

What kind of relations Zion has with its own Arabs and neighboring Arab nations?
What was the 1990s were like In Russia? especially when it compared to OTL with the massive corruption, numerous mafia gangs, and massive wars across Russia

What caused Russian renaissance, what was about it and how that affects Russian culture?
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Who was the last surviving War of American Secession veteran in TTL? When did that soldier die?

Same with the other North American Wars?

What is the fate of Albert Woolson (last verified American Civil War veteran, died in 1956) and Walter Williams (last claimed American Civil War veteran, died in 1959) in TTL?

In TTL, the last US veteran of the War of Secession died in 1958. The last US veteran of the Second Mexican War died in 1965. The last US veteran of the First Great War died in 2014. The last US veteran of the Second Great War died in 2042.


Albert Woolson and Walter Williams are not widely known about in TTL. Due to the US defeat in the War of Secession, for instance, Woolson never enlisted in the US Army.
I thought I'd show you a couple of things I have recently completed. What do you think? [I based a couple off of another TL on this website]
27th June
In the Russian SFSR, Sergei Korolev is Arrested on False Charges of Deliberately slowing the Work of the Research Institute by Ivan Kleymyonov, Georgy Langemak, Leaders of the Institute Executed in January. He is Tortured in the Lubyanka Prison to get a Confession during the Great Purge, Tried and Sentenced to Death. Glushko and Korolev are both Reportedly Denounced by Andrei Kostikov, who becomes Head of the RNII Following the Arrest of its Leadership. Without Korolev and Glushko, the Russian Rocket Programme falls far behind the Rapid Progress taking Place in Nationalist Germany.

In the Russian SFSR, while in Prison, Sergei Korolev Writes many Appeals to the Authorities, Including Stalin himself. Following the fall of NKVD Head Nikolai Yezhov, the new Chief, Lavrentiy Beria, Decides to Retry Korolev on Reduced Charges of being a “Saboteur of Military Technology,” but, by this Time, Korolev is on his way from Prison to a Gulag in far Eastern Siberia, where he spends Several Months inside a Gold Mine in the Kolyma before Word reaches him of his Retrial. Upon reaching Moscow, his Sentence is Reduced to 8 Years to be Served in a Sharashka Penitentiary for Intellectuals and the Educated. These are Labour Camps where Scientists and Engineers Work on Projects Assigned by the Communist Party Leadership. Korolev is brought to the Central Design Bureau 29 of the NKVD, which Serves as Andrei Tupolev’s Engineering Facility, to Work alongside his old Mentor.

In the United States, U.S. Military Intelligence Learns that the Confederates are Researching the Possibility of Producing a Sun Bomb. When a Delegation of Physicists had Approached President Franklin D. Roosevelt about this during his First Year in Office, he had Dismissed the Idea as a “Money ~ Sucking Boondoggle Waiting to happen,” however, now he has found out that at Least One of the U.S.’s Neighbours is Seriously Working on the Idea, he Decides, Reluctantly, that the U.S. must do likewise. With the Cooperation of Congress, a Secret Research Programme is Instituted.

7th April

In the Arab Kingdom of Syria, the Arab National Party is Founded by a Merger of the Followers of Michel Aflaq, [an Orthodox Christian] Salah al-Din al-Bitar, [a Sunni Muslim] and Zakī al-Arsūzī [an Atheist] in Damascus. The Party Claims Arab Nationalism as its Ideology and Design a Tricolour of Black, White, and Green as its Flag.

In the British Raj, a Constitution is Drawn up for the Republic of India. The Document Agreed upon Calls for the Creation of a Bi ~ Cameral Legislature [One House for Hindus, and the other for Muslims, with Representatives of the Buddhists, Christians, and other Religions which Occupy India] with the President to be a Hindu, the Vice ~ President a Muslim, with both the President and the ~ President to have Joint Command of the Armed Forces…One cannot Order the Military into Action without the Consent of the other. A Provisional Government is Selected by the United Nations Security Council which will Remain in Power until Democratic Elections can be held. Elections are Scheduled for 1950.

Are these from a single alternate timeline?
Would there be comic shows about the Second Great War in this ITL, like there are in our world? For example, is there a counterpart of The Producers?

I'm also curious as to what may have become of a certain Dr Julius Robert Oppenheimer in this ITL.

By 2024, there isn’t an analogue to The Producers in the United States. That kind of subject is not likely to be made into a comedic film or musical in the United States of TTL.

The analogue to Robert Oppenheimer in TTL was Julius Oppenheimer, born on a slightly different date compared to our world. Julius Oppenheimer, like his counterpart from OTL, was academically gifted. However, his specialty and interests gravitated towards literature and mythology instead of science. He earned a degree in English literature from Harvard in 1925, and by 1928 had accepted a teaching position at Stanford University. He remained at Stanford for the rest of his career, and played an important role in founding the university’s Advanced Center for Literature and Creative Writing in 1945. Oppenheimer, while teaching English literature, maintained an interest in a range of fields, including history, astronomy, and linguistics. He retired from teaching in 1967. He died in 1974.
The analogue to Robert Oppenheimer in TTL was Julius Oppenheimer, born on a slightly different date compared to our world. Julius Oppenheimer, like his counterpart from OTL, was academically gifted. However, his specialty and interests gravitated towards literature and mythology instead of science. He earned a degree in English literature from Harvard in 1925, and by 1928 had accepted a teaching position at Stanford University. He remained at Stanford for the rest of his career, and played an important role in founding the university’s Advanced Center for Literature and Creative Writing in 1945. Oppenheimer, while teaching English literature, maintained an interest in a range of fields, including history, astronomy, and linguistics. He retired from teaching in 1967. He died in 1974.
Did he attempt to write/publish a creative work of his own, or was he primarily focused on academic works?

Similarly, was he influential on popular culture in any way? (I'm thinking in similar capacity to OTL Joseph Campbell.)
I don’t have a list of cities that hosted FIFA World Cup events in TTL.

This is a list of cities that hosted the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics that was originally written by Lochnessmoonster, slightly edited.

1964 - Innsbruck, Austria-Hungary
1968 - Oslo, Norway
1972 - Minsk, Belarus
1976 - Quebec City, Quebec
1980 - Squaw Valley, USA
1984 - Lillehammer, Norway
1988 - Reykjavik, Iceland (Denmark)
1992 - Rostov-on-Don, Russia
1996 - Calgary, USA
2000 - Pyeongchang, Korea
2004 - Tallinn, Estonia
2008 - Milan, Italy

1896 - Athens, Greece
1936 - Richmond, CSA
1964 - Tokyo, Japanese Empire
1968 - Budapest, Austria-Hungary
1972 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1976 - Moscow, Russia
1980 - Sydney, Australia
1984 - Philadelphia, USA
1988 - Manila, Philippines
1992 - Santiago, Chile
1996 - Athens, Greece
2000 - Beijing, China
2004 - New York, USA
2008 - New Delhi, Bharat
2012 - Mexico City, Mexico
2016 - Rome, Italy
2020 - Kinshasa-Ncuna, Congolese Federation
What cities hosted the Winter Olympics from 2012 to 2020? And which cities will host the 2024 Olympics?
What cities hosted the Winter Olympics from 2012 to 2020? And which cities will host the 2024 Olympics?

The 2012 Winter Olympics were held in Boise, Idaho, USA.

The 2016 Winter Olympics were held in Grenoble, France.

The 2020 Winter Olympics were held in Montreal, Quebec.

The 2024 Winter Olympics were held in Stockholm, Sweden.

The 2024 Summer Olympics were held in Berlin, German Empire.