Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

Venizelos had made certain to complete the full four years of his term, before new elections would be held, it was actually becoming something of a standard practice by now, the last snap election had been back in March 1915.
This sets up a very useful tradition that hasthe potential to become a major factor of political stability. God knows that Greece needed (and needs) complete terms and no snap elections when they suit the governing party.

That failure had cost him and kept costing him in other ways, recently between approving construction for a new railroad to Diyarbakir and ordering a new light cruiser from Italy and 4 submarines from Germany he had to chose the naval orders to keep the support of Rauf Orbay's faction
First of all, less turkish infrastructure will be beneficial to Greece and the allied war effort in the war to come. One light cruiser and 4 submarines are a drop in the bucket when it comes to the naval war in the Mediterranean. The Axis war effort would have been served better by a railroad to Diyarbakir. This is actually a significant butterfly. Without a railroad, the chrome deposits of Guleman won't be developed, not until a railroad reaches Diyarbakir. That means that the overall turkish chrome ore production will be reduced. Less pre-war income from ore exports and less chrome available for the Axis war effort.

To quote from a US trade report:
Guleman . Until last year , the richest chroni te mine in Turkey was that of Degardi ; but in 1937 , the Eti Bank , especially established by the Turkish Government to exploit mines in Turkey , began intensified work on the chromite deposits at Guleman , some 20 miles from the copper mines of Erzeni . The ore in this mine averages from 48 to 53 percent Cr203 . An aerial cableway connects Gulenan mines with the Ergani - Diyarbekir railway , and the ore is transported by rail to Mersin , The monthly output is estimated at 5,000 tons , and during the first ten months of 1937 , 50,000 tons were exported to Sweden , Germany , and the United States . This mining district is likely to become one of the most important chromite centers in the world .

To quote also from this phd dissertation: https://d-nb.info/994443129/34
Majority of the companies were working in the Bursa region in north-western Turkey. In the district it was reported that the World’s greatest known chrome deposit was discovered. A figure of about 10.000.000 tons of chrome with a content of 50-52% CR2O 3 . The finished ore in the Bursa region was carried by aerial-ropeway to the railway station at Değirmisaz. Production was around 30.000-40.000 tons a year. The Fethiye Company exploited the deposits in the Makri region in south-west of Turkey. Four mines were opened and exploited. Some lump ore 44-48% Cr2O3 was produced but the larger part of the output was in the form of concentrates running 50-52%. The ore and concentrates were transported by a 15 km narrow gauge railway to the sea. Production varied from 50.000 to 80.000 tons a year, but production was decreasing since 1937, owing to bad organization and absence of prospecting and capital. Production figures were 79.000 tons in 1935, 80.000 tons in 1936, 64.000 tons in 1937 and 62.000 tons in 1938.

The Guleman Company exploited the chrome ore in the Elazığ region in the eastern portion of the country. The deposits were developed and production commenced in 1936. The total probable and possible ore in the reserves in 1938 were stated by Mr. Nicolaus to amount to 2.500.000 tons of which 700.000 tons was developed ore averaging 47-53% CR2O3 with a chrome-iron ratio in excess of 3:1 . The ore was carried to the railway by an 18 km serial – ropeway. Production was limited to the normal carrying capacity of the ropeway which was 200 tons a day although it could be increased by %25 or 75.000 tons a year after allowing for the closing down of the mines during months January and February owing to climate conditions. With fresh capital expenditure on mine and transport equipment the annual production could be raised to 250.000 tons
View attachment 645461

It seems to me that the turkish chrome ore production in TTL could be significantly lower. Moreover, a huge chunk of the existing production will be in Fethiye, where is is very vulnerable to air attacks from Crete or Cyprus. Not to mention, that they would have first to build a railroad there, because there is no chance the Axis could sneak convoys carrying ore.

It looks like Spain is going to be a worse hell hole for everyone involved, as if OTL wasn't bad enough. That could be good for Greece if Italy continues to suffer high losses in men and equipment, but it could also help Italy sort out some of their own deficiencies - although how much they can, and will actually fix before 1940 is anyone's guess.
The Italians have lost already more material and men in Abyssinia. In OTL they sent a lot of material to Franco (source: A New International History of the Spanish Civil War)
Italy sent over 70 000 men. 1801 cannon, 1426 mortars. 3436 machine-guns. 157 tanks and 6797 other vehicles. 320 million cartr idges and 7.7 million shells. together
with a total of 759 eircran.' From Germany came some 840 aircraft.' Fourteen thousand Germans had served in Spain. of whom about 300 were killed; 200 tanks were sent. together with thirty anti-tank companies.
If the Italians lose more tanks, then their first concern would be to replace the increased losses, rather than retooling their industry to produce totally different designs. If they decide to retool, then in 1940 instead of having tankettes, they will end up with no armored vehicles at all. My guess would be that the Italian will enter WW2 with somewhat less equipment and without new designs, just due to pressure to replace losses.

A more important loss, both in Abyssinia and in the SCW, would be deaths/ incapacitations of pre-war NCOs. The Italians started the war with woefully few NCOs. If the peacetime army loses more of them, then the overall quality and training of the expanding mobilization army would be even lower than in OTL.

The independence of Syria this early is also a very interesting change from OTL and will have some very interesting effects on the region. Alexandretta looks like its gonna be a major point of contention with Turkey in the upcoming war and Lebanon looks like it'll be a little more Christian ITTL, which could upset the careful balance of power there. Beyond that, I'm not entirely sure what else is going to happen, but it looks like its gonna become a big mess in the near future. Either way, I'm excited to see where this all goes.
I concur! But it seems to me, that all ethnic and religious groups will have an already established "safe haven": Lebanon for Christians, the Alawite State for Shias, Syria for Sunnis, Kurdistan for Kurds. If violence errupts, I can see population movements towards said states. I think this format has the potential to lead to a much more stable Levant after an initial upheaval.
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Nice TL Lascaris!
My biggest hope is that instead of being bullied into the axis Romania actualy fights against Germany and Bulgaria,
and that Yugoslavia doesnt fall like a house of cards.
The Germans could divide a good amount of Resources to Yugoslavia and Romania makin it alot easier for the greeks.
Maybe the Greeks could drive themselve into a stalemate with the nazis along the border of Albania and North Macedonia with British reinforcements and the remains of the yugoslovaian army.
Also wouldnt France and Britain attack Turkey through Syria and Iraq?
I think those fronts will be way more Important ITTL
One can hope...
Romania is an interesting question. Romania first failed to resist the Soviets and on purely material terms Romania was in a far superior position than Finland to resist. Then they accepted the Vienna awards when even with the lost of Moldavia the Romanian army could likely had beaten back Hungary and Bulgaria combined and there was little chance of the Germans or Italians jeopardizing Romanian oil deliveries to openly support Hungary and Bulgaria over Romania. Not certain though how you can plausibly alter inter-war Romanian politics to change any of this.

Greece likely won't be in great shape from the stress of the war since she'll either be fully occupied after a bloody fight or be a battleground for the whole war, but she will certainly play a much bigger part.
It wasn't in any great shape OTL. GDP was down by half by 1944. hundreds of thousands had been starved or outright massacred by the Germans and Bulgarians (and Italians but at a comparatively MUCH lesser extend), the merchant navy had taken a massive hit, most infrastructure had been destroyed between the Germans and the partisans fighting them... and for good measure 4 years of open civil war were just around the corner.
Thank you for treating us to this TL Lascaris!
A TL is as good as the comments it generates. If it fails to generate any... :)
*Scared Stuka noises*
For the record the use of Hazemeyer directors by the Vasileus Georgios class DDs is very much historical. The ships OTL were completed with German 5in guns though due to similar reasons and the availability of German clearing. With even more trade between Greece and the US TTL and 5/38 already put in the cruisers ordered in the US yards they should be an obvious alternative option to British guns. And since the US was exporting them at the time (case in point the Acre class destroyers)...

KGV's that I suspect will actually be Lions and completed a year early? Sign me up!
The two ships laid down in January 1937 will not be Lions. They won't be standard OTL KGVs either. ;)

Overall some of the Italian, French and German ships are ahead from between 3 to 12 months compared to OTL, Mussolini announced construction of the two Littorios in October 28th 1933 and they were laid down in early May 1934, 6 months ahead of OTL, trigerred to no small extend by construction of Salamis. As a result on the French side Strasbourg went ahead in the 1933 budget as originally intended getting laid down a full year ahead of OTL while Richelieu was laid down 6 months ahead of OTL. This in turn affects the Germans, Scharnhorst amd Gneisenau are built from the start with 380mm twins, Bismark and Tirpitz are laid down 3 months ahead with no controversary over the calibre of their guns and Graf Zeppelin is also a month ahead of OTL. This in turn triggers a French response with Jean Bart starting 3 months ahead of OTL. Now how the French used the slip of Strasbourg? Checks ... Joffre.

The independence of Syria this early is also a very interesting change from OTL and will have some very interesting effects on the region. Alexandretta looks like its gonna be a major point of contention with Turkey in the upcoming war and Lebanon looks like it'll be a little more Christian ITTL, which could upset the careful balance of power there. Beyond that, I'm not entirely sure what else is going to happen, but it looks like its gonna become a big mess in the near future. Either way, I'm excited to see where this all goes.
The treaty is historical. TTL it is delayed by three months and differs in the French refusing to incorporate the Alawite, Druze and TTL Kurdish states outright to Syria thanks to the much worse Syrian revolt in 1925...

It seems all goes worse for the republicans in TTL.

By the way, is not Brunette but Brunete.
An ironic side effect of Franco not being around TTL. His military strategy during the war was in many ways questionable/ breaking standard military practice. Of course this in many ways had to do with his political strategy of utterly crushing internal opposition and maximizing the death toll on the republican side...

This sets up a very useful tradition that hasthe potential to become a major factor of political stability. God knows that Greece needed (and needs) complete terms and no snap elections when they suit the governing party.
So far it is mostly accidental... Venizelos had no reason to resort to snap elections when he controlled parliament. Neither dd Stratos in 1932 when he knew that due to the repression an early election would only mean he lost power early.

First of all, less turkish infrastructure will be beneficial to Greece and the allied war effort in the war to come. One light cruiser and 4 submarines are a drop in the bucket when it comes to the naval war in the Mediterranean. The Axis war effort would have been served better by a railroad to Diyarbakir. This is actually a significant butterfly. Without a railroad, the chrome deposits of Guleman won't be developed, not until a railroad reaches Diyarbakir. That means that the overall turkish chrome ore production will be reduced. Less pre-war income from ore exports and less chrome available for the Axis war effort.
One of the reasons TTL Turkey could build railroads to the extend it did was that the cost of nationalizing railroads was much lower... for the simple reason it had to pay for rather fewer railroads. But its capital is finite. OTL it built 3275km of railroads, call it on average 32.75 million pounds, spent 24.21 million pounds on nationalizations (seen from a different viewpoint without etatism it could had built another 2421km of railroads instead) and spent something like 5.7 million on naval construction till 1938 with orders worth 2.86 million in 1939.

TTL it is 7.88 to the navy so far, 2,266km of rail were built (22.66 million) and 11.64 million went to nationalizations. Part of the naval spending comes from the air force given her limitations by treaty.

It seems to me that the turkish chrome ore production in TTL could be significantly lower. Moreover, a huge chunk of the existing production will be in Fethiye, where is is very vulnerable to air attacks from Crete or Cyprus. Not to mention, that they would have first to build a railroad there, because there is no chance the Axis could sneak convoys carrying ore.
This depends on what happens with the war but I suspect Bursa mines would be more prominent in German strategic calculations. Diyarbakir... needs the Turks to complete 500km of railroads to be practical...
This depends on what happens with the war but I suspect Bursa mines would be more prominent in German strategic calculations
This would be great indeed. Bursa was producing 30-40k tons per year. Mines other than the ones in Bursa, Makri/ Fethiye and Diyarbakir produced another 30-40k tons of ore. Most of these were in Kutahya. If the Allies are able to hold at least Crete, then the total production available to the Axis would be 60-80k tons in total. Not to mention that Bursa and Kutahya would be within twin-engined bomber range. Sure, the Germans could establish 88s by the train load, but they have a finite supply of those: a regiment of 88s in Bursa is a regiment less in defence of Ploesti or the Reich. But I am rushing ahead of the timeline.

and for good measure 4 years of open civil war were just around the corner.
And for the readers who are not familiar with the Greek Civil War, that means hundreds of thousands of displaced/ internal refugees in addition to the usual costs in human lives, destroyed infrastructure and poisoning the political stability for decades.
If Turkey has any success against Greece and Syria, the Soviets are going to end up with a nice sphere of influence in Anatolia and the Levant postwar. The Turks are really driving themselves into a corner by making every single one of their neighbors an enemy. Even if they don't participate in a Barbarossa type offensive, the Soviets are going to take their pound of flesh from a German ally in an area of what they will regard as strategic importance.
If Turkey has any success against Greece and Syria, the Soviets are going to end up with a nice sphere of influence in Anatolia and the Levant postwar. The Turks are really driving themselves into a corner by making every single one of their neighbors an enemy. Even if they don't participate in a Barbarossa type offensive, the Soviets are going to take their pound of flesh from a German ally in an area of what they will regard as strategic importance.
Sure thing for example Bulgaria in otl did not send any troops in the soviet Union and in the end the Soviets occupied Bulgaria so the soviets invading Turkey and trying to establish a puppet state in the area is possible but what kind of situation will develop is up to the author but it could be Intresting to see some kind of West and East turkey or north and South turkey but the again the war has not come yet...and to be honest if Atatürk is still around i kind don't see him joining the axis..i feel that he is to politically savvy to do that most likely he will use the event to gain as much land as possible from the allies without going to war...
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This would be great indeed. Bursa was producing 30-40k tons per year. Mines other than the ones in Bursa, Makri/ Fethiye and Diyarbakir produced another 30-40k tons of ore. Most of these were in Kutahya. If the Allies are able to hold at least Crete, then the total production available to the Axis would be 60-80k tons in total
One notes the Ottomans built a bit of railroads during 1914-18. So did Turkey in 1941-45. Now with the army mobilized where the labour would be coming from? I can give you three guesses...

. Not to mention that Bursa and Kutahya would be within twin-engined bomber range. Sure, the Germans could establish 88s by the train load, but they have a finite supply of those: a regiment of 88s in Bursa is a regiment less in defence of Ploesti or the Reich. But I am rushing ahead of the timeline.
Most of Turkey would be within twin engined bomber range given geography. That's Wellingtons flying out of RAF Nicosia with a full bombload

View attachment 645971

Which means that if Turkey finds itself at war with the allies, doing something about Cyprus is quite necessary of course so is doing something about allied presence in Iraq and Syria but at least these two have a land border with Turkey and can be invaded. Cyprus instead needs... other options.

If Turkey has any success against Greece and Syria, the Soviets are going to end up with a nice sphere of influence in Anatolia and the Levant postwar. The Turks are really driving themselves into a corner by making every single one of their neighbors an enemy. Even if they don't participate in a Barbarossa type offensive, the Soviets are going to take their pound of flesh from a German ally in an area of what they will regard as strategic importance.
Turkey is directly bordering the Soviet Union and worse yet there are significant Muslim populations in the Caucasus with ties to it and for that matter terrotorial claims both ways, Turkey has not gained Kars TTL while if the Soviets want to they had Wilsonian Armenia to use as a claim. If Turkey is in the axis and the axis is at war with the Soviet Union it will be very difficult for Turkey to be kept out of it. Even if it is there is no guarantee that come 1944-45 Soviet armies don't invade. Why they have to support the Western allies after all...

Sure thing for example Bulgaria in otl did not send any troops in the soviet Union and in the end the Soviets occupied Bulgaria so the soviets invading Turkey and trying to establish a puppet state in the area is possible but what kind of situation will develop is up to the author but it could be Intresting to see some kind of West and East turkey or north and South turkey but the again the war has not come yet...and to be honest if Atatürk is still around i kind don't see him joining the axis..i feel that he is to politically savvy to do that most likely he will use the event to gain as much land as possible from the allies without going to war...
Kemal was probably too clever to join the war, same for Ismet. Of course TTL Ismet is needing a different surname given event in 1921 and Kemal still has cirrhosis and keeps drinking anything with alcohol in it, some of the British ambassadors reports to that end make fun reading the gist can be summarized as "Every time I'm invited, I have to keep up all night constantly drinking with Kemal and his pals and they do this every single night. Is needing a new liver really what old blighty demands of her ambassador here?"

Loving this Timeline. What is the former Greek Royal Family up to ?
Thanks! George II is playing English gentry, he has not married Elizabetta which is probably for the best for both of them. Paul is running around and is generally happy with it, not married yet horror err I mean Frederica (opponents in Greece tended to shorten her name to Friki which means horror). George, Nicholas, Andrew and Christopher go on with life not much different from OTL 1920s and early 1930s... mixing with other royals and high society, receiving (decreasing numbers) of loyalists and maligning Venizelos (George mostly but Christopher is having the man who tried to assassinate him on his payroll and paid for the assassins legal councel), Christopher is apparently paying most of the bills thanks to his wife's fortune.
Most of Turkey would be within twin engined bomber range given geography. That's Wellingtons flying out of RAF Nicosia with a full bombload

Which means that if Turkey finds itself at war with the allies, doing something about Cyprus is quite necessary of course so is doing something about allied presence in Iraq and Syria but at least these two have a land border with Turkey and can be invaded. Cyprus instead needs... other options.
Aaa shit..i hope my grandfather for some unknown reason leaves lakatamia or my chances of existing ittl just decreased dramatically...now jokes aside if the axis has control of Cyprus that will make most of the middle East with in bomber range... And the Suez canal..now that is Very Very interesting
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One notes the Ottomans built a bit of railroads during 1914-18. So did Turkey in 1941-45. Now with the army mobilized where the labour would be coming from? I can give you three guesses...
a) Greeks
b) Armenians
c) Considering that Turkey would be a nazi ally... Jews

Most of Turkey would be within twin engined bomber range given geography. That's Wellingtons flying out of RAF Nicosia with a full bombload
I cannot open the link...
But I remember the map with the bomber ranges from Malta, so I think I get it.

Which means that if Turkey finds itself at war with the allies, doing something about Cyprus is quite necessary of course so is doing something about allied presence in Iraq and Syria but at least these two have a land border with Turkey and can be invaded. Cyprus instead needs... other options.
I have been thinking... French Levant is already very different compared to OTL by formalizing the autonomous states of the Kurds and Alawites, while the French have already used more of the minority militia in 1925. A greater reliance upon christians, alawites and Kurds has the potential to lead to interesting butterflies. French leaders knew how acute the manpower shortage was during the interwar. More importantly, in this timeline there is a hostile Turkey with an even more clearer revisionist agenda. There is a greater need to protect the Mandates.

I find it very plausible that the French may raise more levantine loyal units, especially maronite ones. More units, with better equipment (there is a ton of mle 1897 around) and better training. So, if the proverbial excrement hits the fan, France can afford not sending many algerian/senegalese units in the Levant. Overall, it is a consistent strategy with OTL France that tried to find additional manpower in loyal colonial populations.

Imagine the turkish army trying to reach Suez and reconquer Levant, while the Kurds is amply supplied with Lebels and the Maronites can pull back to their mountain with artillery, machine guns and trained officers and NCOs. As soon as tensions become worse in Alexandretta, I expect the armenian community to pack everything and head to Lebanon, adding manpower to the maronite strength. Likewise, the Alawites have experienced autonomy for more than a decade and they are free of sunni landowners. If they have guns and training, I doubt they would celebrate the return of sunni rule. In general, it seems that the Levant from Afrin down to Lebanon has the potential to become an Axis ulcer.
Wouldnt turkey only have similiar strength to lets say Belgium ?
600000 not very well equpped soldier against Iraq, Lebanon, the Alawite state, Kurdistan, Syria, Greece and the Soviet union and the same thing that could apply to crete can also apply to cyprus and that bis that with Greek andRoyal Navy Domination both of the Islands dont have to fall and i say that because if the Royal Navy and Royal Greek Navy
team up they might just be able to defeat the Turks on sea.
Also we talked about Romania standing their Ground instead of Bowing to the Axis i thought that maybe after seeing how keeping Fighting helped Greece against Turkey they decide to not agree to the Nazi ultimatum. Ofc they could also have gotten a couple Inspiring words by the Greek and British Ambassador.
If they do maybe Yugoslavia could get their shit together and Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania sandwich Bulgaria ocupying them after that Greece and Yugoslavia could ocupy Albania while Yugoslavia stands thrit Grounds against the Italians and Germans while Romania fights againns Hungary and Germany during that time Greece could try to fight against Turkey with the zhelp of the Middle Eastern states.
I think a Kurdish revolt is agaain quite feesable esspecialy as soon Kurdish troops enter Turkish Ground.
All in all I think Turkey is Basicly Fucked as soon as the Soviet Union gets their shit together if we get lucky this might even be earlier if Hitler has postpone operation Barbarossa because of "events" in the Balkans. I think the Axis will break Yugoslavia and Romania but maybe that takes so long that Greece is spared of the worst...lets hope, this is a Greek timeline after all.
Idk if all this makes sense as im not a WW2 expert but i just wanted to share my thoughts, pleasde correct me if im wrong.
Aaa shit..i hope my grandfather for some unknown reason leaves lakatamia or my chances of existing ittl just decreased dramatically...now jokes aside if the axis has control of Cyprus that will make most of the middle East with in bomber range... And the Suez canal..now that is Very Very interesting
What are you options if you are Germany/Turkey over Cyprus?

1. Capture Cyprus. This is doable, theoretically at least, only by massed paratrooper assault. The Turks have no more than a couple companies of paras it would be up to the Germans. What's the allied counter? A strong garrison. Now what's the easiest way to create one?
2. Attacking allied military installations on the ground. Commandos can be inserted more easily than dropping a couple para divisions on the island but would need support on the ground/would be much more effective with such. Now who in Cyprus would be likely to be actively on the side of Turkish commandos inserted to the island? What is the logical British counter to this?
3. Sustained bombing of the island, logically in conjunction with 2. Would need way more anti-aircraft troops and civil defence. These in turn need more manpower... where that's likely to come from?
What are you options if you are Germany/Turkey over Cyprus?

1. Capture Cyprus. This is doable, theoretically at least, only by massed paratrooper assault. The Turks have no more than a couple companies of paras it would be up to the Germans. What's the allied counter? A strong garrison. Now what's the easiest way to create one?
2. Attacking allied military installations on the ground. Commandos can be inserted more easily than dropping a couple para divisions on the island but would need support on the ground/would be much more effective with such. Now who in Cyprus would be likely to be actively on the side of Turkish commandos inserted to the island? What is the logical British counter to this?
3. Sustained bombing of the island, logically in conjunction with 2. Would need way more anti-aircraft troops and civil defence. These in turn need more manpower... where that's likely to come from?
1.the garrison
2.the turks of the Island and a logical response is to restrict the movement of the turkish Cypriots...and maybe a couple of concentration camps for the military age population of the turks..and of course remove any turks from any position of power... including the legislature and representative powers in the island which they still exists and by effect leaving them in the hands of the greeks...lascaris you brilliant bastard.
3.greek Cypriots of course and with a population of let's say 330,000 by 1940 the British could in theory raise about 30,000 troops..of course some of them could be used for driving mule trains as in olt...
Wouldnt turkey only have similiar strength to lets say Belgium ?
600000 not very well equpped soldier against Iraq, Lebanon, the Alawite state, Kurdistan, Syria, Greece and the Soviet union
In OTL Turkey mobilized 1.3 million not very well equipped soldiers and 43 divisions in 1941, a massive increase from the 22 infantry division equivalents they planned on mobilizing as late as 1937. Not very well as in the country had 730,000 rifles, 5,000 machine guns of which 3,000 lacked spares and 19,000 light machine guns in 1939 to which French deliveries added 25,000 rifles, 1,250 machine guns and 5,000 light machine guns after the start of the war to arm them. TTL it has inherited fewer arms from the Ottomans...

and the same thing that could apply to crete can also apply to cyprus and that bis that with Greek andRoyal Navy Domination both of the Islands dont have to fall and i say that because if the Royal Navy and Royal Greek Navy
team up they might just be able to defeat the Turks on sea.
In a straight up fight at the moment the Turkish navy has 2 armoured ships, 8 destroyers and 3 submarines facing 1 battleship, 3 (old) cruisers, 16 destroyers (10 WW1 vintage) and 12 submarines (2 WW1 vintage). Not a good balance. Now it's still 1937 and if you bring into play also the Italians and Luftwaffe...

Also we talked about Romania standing their Ground instead of Bowing to the Axis i thought that maybe after seeing how keeping Fighting helped Greece against Turkey they decide to not agree to the Nazi ultimatum. Ofc they could also have gotten a couple Inspiring words by the Greek and British Ambassador.
If they do maybe Yugoslavia could get their shit together and Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania sandwich Bulgaria ocupying them after that Greece and Yugoslavia could ocupy Albania while Yugoslavia stands thrit Grounds against the Italians and Germans while Romania fights againns Hungary and Germany during that time Greece could try to fight against Turkey with the zhelp of the Middle Eastern states.
If the Italians and Germans are in the fight I would not much fancy either Yugoslav or Romanian chances...
In OTL Turkey mobilized 1.3 million not very well equipped soldiers and 43 divisions in 1941, a massive increase from the 22 infantry division equivalents they planned on mobilizing as late as 1937. Not very well as in the country had 730,000 rifles, 5,000 machine guns of which 3,000 lacked spares and 19,000 light machine guns in 1939 to which French deliveries added 25,000 rifles, 1,250 machine guns and 5,000 light machine guns after the start of the war to arm them. TTL it has inherited fewer arms from the Ottomans...

In a straight up fight at the moment the Turkish navy has 2 armoured ships, 8 destroyers and 3 submarines facing 1 battleship, 3 (old) cruisers, 16 destroyers (10 WW1 vintage) and 12 submarines (2 WW1 vintage). Not a good balance. Now it's still 1937 and if you bring into play also the Italians and Luftwaffe...

If the Italians and Germans are in the fight I would not much fancy either Yugoslav or Romanian chances...
Well could Romania and Yugoslavia hold back the axis for a long enough time to safe Greece from the worst ?
When the Soviets and Germans are hashing out their sphere of influence for TTL's Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, the fate of the straights is likely to come up. Stalin would certainly be paranoid about Bosphorus being in Axis hands.