The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

Suck it, Donald! I won 435-103 as Hillary on Normal, including taking Indiana, Georgia, and Texas.

EDIT: Looks like that made me number 1 for now. Hashtag humblebrag.


I had a string of unbelievable good luck in terms of the questions given, no terrorist attacks in Europe, and winning the debate. I chalk my game up to the stars aligning more than anything.
Wow man! How did you lose Missouri with those kind of numbers?

Missouri in general is kind of a pain in the ass to win as a Democrat. For whatever reason it's gotten a lot more conservative since 2008, when Obama came within half a percentage point or so of carrying it outright.
I would actually love to know how you did that, since that's exactly what I've been trying to do with multiple tries myself. (Mind, I've only been playing on Normal difficulty, so maybe that's something that can only be done on Easy.)

I did it on normal (implying I played on easy, are you? :p )

Basically pick the NY running mate, withdraw your name from the South, and go for fusion tickets, and also campaign in NY when the breaking the norms of the time event comes up. Those seem to be the key, and for those events working *with* Breckinridge seems key as well. Outside of that, events should be treated as abandoning the South.

Edit: Thankfully, the link to my game was saved in a chat log. Here it is.
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The "Leip" map of the above election

Hughes 280 electoral votes
Wilson 251 electoral votes
From the real election I flipped California, North Dakota, New Mexico and New Hampshire.
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Douglas-Seymour prevented Lincoln from receiving a majority in the Electoral College, but I wasn't able to finish in the top 3 (link).

IOTL, it just would have meant that the massively Republican House would have confirmed Lincoln, no? It seems like a pointless scenario because of that.
IOTL, it just would have meant that the massively Republican House would have confirmed Lincoln, no? It seems like a pointless scenario because of that.

IIRC it was only massively Republican because most of the Southern Congressmen decided to walk out, or their states refused to hold any elections after Lincoln won, no? In a tie scenario Lincoln's election wouldn't be guarranteed, so it's unlikely the South would secede if the thought they had a chance of stopping Lincoln. Course, the Presidency would be a poisoned chalice, complete with accusations of a Corrupt Bargain and all...
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